OSDI organized a GMC in Haji Meeran Community
On 29th December 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Healthcare team conducted its first General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Haji Meeran in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The GMC was organized in cooperation with the District Health Department. During the one-day medical camp, OSDI's appointed doctor and paramedical staff checked 144 ailing people.
People from within the communities of adjacent communities, were facilitated at this primary healthcare camp. For capacity building of the 44 participants, OSDI's team and Social Mobilizers conducted 3 awareness raising sessions on the significance of adapting safe health & hygiene practices.
#health #hygiene #medicalcamp #awareness #sensitize

Field Visit to TLCs in District Lasbela by OSDI & BEF team
On 27th December 2023 (Wednesday), senior management of OSDI comprising of Assistant Manager Communications & Education - Ms. Fizza Rizvi, Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid, Team Leader of District Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the OSDI built Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad. On behalf of Baluchistan Education Foundation (BEF), Mr. Rehmatullah - Director Operations, Mr. Naqeebullah - Deputy Director Community Development and Mr. Mansoor Baloch - Regional Supervisor Central Region B, Kalat Division visited the OSDI's educational facilities.
After an introductory meeting at the OSDI's Field Office in district Lasbela (Baluchistan), teams of both the allies - OSDI and BEF travelled to the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in Faqeer Muhammad community for monitoring and observation of students and teacher along with meeting the members of the School Management Committee (SMC). The TLC has a strength of 52 students as of now. Next, both the teams travelled to the focused community of Mutkani. The TLC in this village has students enrolled from the focused communities of Mutkani and Jhangi Khan. BEF team met and interacted with the teacher and students, checked the TLC attendance registers and inspected the classroom condition. 63 students are acquiring primary education in this TLC. After the meeting, SMC members were met in detail.
Later on, representatives of both OSDI and BEF, gathered at the OSDI's Field office of Lasbela where a generous donation of PKR 50,000 was given by OSDI, for the repair and maintenance work of BEF Community School in Hashim Channa community of Tehsil Bela in Lasbela. Currently, 79 students are enrolled in this educational facility.
#primaryschool #education #notoilliteracy

Monitoring Visit to ADP Fields in Mardan
On 21st (Thursday) & 22nd (Friday) December 2023, OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) visited the wheat fields of farmers participating in the recent phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Overall, it is the 6th Phase of ADP in this district.
OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain accompanied the OSDI's Field team to closely observe the crop condition, soil fertility, moisture level, growth of unwanted plants etc. and have one to one discussion with the farmers about their crop growth. The plants seemed to be in a healthy state.
Mr. Hussain recommended the spray of weedicides next month.
#agriculture #wheat #weedicide #livelihood

H&H sessions & Washroom Construction in TLCs
On 21st December 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir conducted field visits to the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad. The purpose of this visit was to meeting the members of School Management Committee (SMC), sensitize the students about safe health & hygiene practices and show the land area to the constructor for building of washroom facilities in both the TLCs.
Nearly, 103 students from both the learning facilities of OSDI participated in the 2 awareness raising sessions held in each TLC. Mr. Qadir emphasized on the importance of hand wash and demonstrated the proper hand washing technique amongst the students. Next, the monthly meeting with members of SMC was conducted to know about the progress of the TLC, student regularity, upcoming winter vacations and teacher attendance.
Last but not the least, Mr. Qadir showed the constructor hired for the construction of washroom facilities in each of the TLC, the suitable land area.
#primaryeducation #school #education #health #hygiene #awareness #sensitize

2nd Mid Term Assessments Conducted in OSDI TLCs
Students of OSDI's built Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) located in Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad in district Lasbela (Baluchistan) were assessed for the 2nd term exams between 11th (Monday) & 12th (Tuesday) December 2023. Altogether, 115 students from both the schools participated in the assessment tests.
In district Mardan (KPK), OSDI conducted the assessment tests from the 14th (Thursday) - 22nd (Friday) December 2023 in the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Saleem Khan Banda. 72 students enrolled in this TLC successfully attended the assessment tests.
The TLCs will soon close for winter vacations.
#primaryeducation #education #assessments #midtermexams

Outcome Assessment of LDP - Phase 5 in Lasbela
On 15th (Friday) & 16th (Saturday) December 2023, OSDI's Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid along with the Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the focused communities of OSDI in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The purpose of this visit was to conduct the outcome assessment for Livestock Development Project (LDP) - Phase 5.
On the first day, OSDI's team met 27 beneficiaries from the focused communities of Hussain, Moosa, Gao, Hindu Mohallah and Jamot Colony whereas on the second day 16 beneficiaries were met. On Day 2, OSDI's team visited the communities of Jangi khan, Hashim Burfat, Golani, Hamarkani, Muraad and Baraad.
Soon, the next phase of LDP will be launched in district Lasbela.
#livestock #livelihood #assessment

OSDI organized 2nd GMC in Saleem Khan Banda
On 16th December 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's District Mardan (KPK) team organized the 2nd General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Saleem Khan Banda. During this one day GMC, OSDI's appointed doctor checked and treated 152 patients.
Amongst the ailing people facilitated, 72 were males and 80 were female patients. OSDI's doctor treated 68 children under the age bracket of 15 years. Upon primary diagnosis, it was observed that majority of the patients complained of viral fever, flu and cough issues due to the changing weather.
During the three sensitization sessions conducted by the OSDI's team nearly 130 people were trained and briefed about the benefits of safe health & hygiene practices. The OSDI's appointed doctor also conducted a separate awareness raising session for the female participants.
#health #hygiene #medicalcamp #awareness #sensitize

OSDI's HoD Mardan Met DPO - ESEF
On 13th December 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said met the District Program Officer (DPO) - Mr. Zahir Shah from Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF). During the meeting, Mr. Said handed over the proposal for transfer of OSDI's initiated Temporary Learning Center (TLC) built in Saleem Khan Banda village.
Upon receiving the complete information about the TLC, Mr. Shah showed his interest to physically visit this educational facility and interact with the students. His suggestion was welcomed by OSDI's Head of District Mardan and Mr. Shah was formally invited to visit the school.
#primaryschool #education #notoilliteracy

Horticulturist's Visit to Orange Fruit Farms
On 8th December 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said along with the Horticulturist - Mr. Sardar Hussain and Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali paid a regular monitoring visit to the orange fruit farms set-up in the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch.
Last month, OSDI's appointed Horticulturist recommended the spray of Bifenthrin Acetamiprid and Diafenthiuron in Akhundara and Bifenthrin and Lambda-cyhalothrin insecticides on fruit plants in Biroch. After carefully examining the fruit plants, the insecticide spray was once again recommended by the horticulturist.
The farmers thanked the OSDI's team for the visit.
#livelihood #agriculture #horticulture #farmer

H&H awareness session held in TLC of Saleem Khan Banda
On 6th December 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted 3 sensitization sessions in the OSDI's Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in Saleem Khan Banda. During the awareness raising session, the students were briefed about the importance of safe health & hygiene practices.
Altogether, 70 students participated in the knowledge sharing session. After the health & hygiene session, Mr. Ali conducted a monthly follow up meeting with the members of the School Management Committee (SMC) and schoolteachers to discuss about the upcoming mid-term examinations, school fees collection and to know about the day-to-day issues.
The teachers handed over the school fees collected to OSDI's representative.
#education #primaryeducation #students

Monitoring visit to ADP Fields of Phase 8
Between 7th (Thursday) & 8th (Friday) December 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir accompanied by the OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib visited the agro fields of farmers participating in the 8th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). It was a regular monitoring visit to check the wheat crop condition.
On the first day, OSDI's team visited the fields of 13 farmers from the focused communities of Mutkani, Jhangi Khan and Hamarkani and on the second day, lands of 12 farmers were visited. On this day, farmers from the focused communities of Haji Jamot and Haji Meeran were met. The agriculture expert examined the germination of wheat crop and found that the germination percentage was 95%. The farmers were extremely pleased with the germination rate of the wheat seed. The farmers expressed that they had never observed such a high germination percentage prior to OSDI's intervention.
In the upcoming days, OSDI will provide urea bags to the farmers.
#livelihood #agriculture #wheatcrop #farmers #urea

OSDI's Field Assistant Participated in FGD
On 5th December 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir participated in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) organized by Mera Maan Foundation. The meeting was held at the Pak. Mission Society Office.
During the discussion, representatives from Secure Islamic France, HANDS, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Pak Mission Society and OSDI were invited to share their views on the upcoming Nutrition Sensitive Initiative for Resilient Communities and Households. This initiative is phase 2 of Gawadar Lasbela Livelihoods Support Project (GLLSP).
The team of experts shared their experiences and learnings over the years.
#livelihood #nutrition
Wheat Fields of ADP - Phase I Farmers Visited
On 28th (Tuesday) & 29th (Wednesday) November 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali accompanied by Mr. Sardar Hussain agrarian expert visited the farmlands of Agriculture Development Project (ADP) - Phase I farmers. The purpose of this monitoring visit was to check the wheat crop condition. OSDI's agrarian expert met all the farmers in detail and checked their farming practices. Furthermore, the agro expert observed the soil moisture, seed germination and plants health. At the end of the visit, Mr. Sardar suggested to apply weedicides spray in the upcoming month.
#agriculture #livelihood #farmers #wheatcrop

Monthly Visit by Vet in District Lasbela
On 28th (Tuesday) & 29th (Wednesday) November 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir along with the veterinary expert - Dr. Waseem visited the beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP) - Phase 5. The purpose of this visit was to check the animal health, physical condition and weight. OSDI's team visited the focused communities of Hamarkani, Hashim Burfat, Golani, Jhangi Khan, Muraad and Baraad on the first day of the activity. On the 2nd day, beneficiaries from the communities of Hindu Mohallah, Moosa Goth, Gao, Hussain Goth and Jamot Colony were met. A total number of 43 beneficiaries participating in this phase were visited by the OSDI's team in which health of 119 animals was checked overall. 4 animals were dewormed against parasitic worm infestation.
#animalhealth #deworming #healthcheck #livestock #livelihood

13th Phase of SBDW initiated in District Mardan
On 25th November 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) initiated the 13th Phase of School Based De-Worming Campaign (SBDW) in the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Saleem Khan Banda. Currently, 75 students are acquiring primary education at this educational facility. On the activity day, 80 children were administered with a dose of the deworming medicine (zentel syrup) by the OSDI's team. In compliance with the health policy shared by the Ministry of Health in Pakistan, every child belonging to the age bracket of 5-14 years should receive atleast 3 doses of the deworming medicine in order to stay protected from worm infestation. After the deworming activity, each child received a packet of energy biscuits and 250ml of milk pack for health & nutrition intake. OSDI's team conducted 2 awareness raising sessions to sensitize the students about safe health & hygiene practices.
#health #hygiene #deworming #students

Distribution of Agro Inputs in District Lasbela
On 25th November 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) distributed agricultural inputs amongst the 25 farmers participating in the 8th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers have chosen to grow wheat crop in this cycle. OSDI's Team distributed wheat seeds amongst all the farmers on this day. Besides this, 20 farmers received bags of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer. As a pilot project, it has been planned to provide organic fertilizer to 4 farmers from the focused community of Hamarkani and one farmer from Haji Meeran village. These farmers have received two bags of organic compost fertilizer per acre, which is a DAP replacement. This fertilizer is purely made from organic raw material such as whole fish and carcass products, including bones, scales and skin. Altogether, 70 acres of land will be cultivated by 25 farmers in this phase.
#farmers #agriculture #livelihood #agroinputs #wheat

GMC held in Hashim Burfat Community
On 24th November 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Healthcare team conducted its second General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Hashim Burfat in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The GMC was organized in cooperation with the District Health Department. During the one-day medical camp, OSDI's appointed female doctor and paramedical staff checked 208 ailing people. Altogether, a total number of 82 male patients and 126 females were treated at this medical camp. People from within the communities of Hashim Burfat and Golani, were facilitated at this primary healthcare camp. For capacity building of the 56 participants, OSDI's appointed Lady Health Worker and Social Mobilizers conducted 3 awareness raising sessions on the significance of adapting safe health & hygiene practices, mother & child healthcare and importance of polio & EPI vaccination.
#medicalcamp #health #hygiene #awareness #sensitize #primaryhealth

Outcome Assessment Conducted in District Lasbela
On 23rd November 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Monitoring & Evaluation Team conducted an outcome assessment in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). During this survey, the farmers who participated in Agriculture Development Project (ADP) - Phase 7 were enquired about their crop produce. Dr. Kamran Sohail - OSDI's Manager Healthcare and Monitoring & Evaluation and Mr. Abdullah Ilyas - Healthcare and Monitoring & Evaluation Officer met all the 17 farmers to know about their learnings and income generated from the increased crop produce. After compilation of the results, decrease in poverty levels will be assessed.
#monitoring #evaluation #assessment #agriculture #farmers

OSDI organized GMC in Shanay Zangal community
On 22nd November 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI organized a General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Shanay Zangal in district Mardan (KPK). This village lies in the union council of Bazaar. OSDI's appointed doctor checked and treated 125 patients at this one day GMC. Altogether, 45 male and 80 female patients received primary diagnosis and treatment by the health team. Amongst the patients' 56 children were from below the age group of 10 years. The patients attended this GMC from various communities of Bazaar such as Shanay Zangal, Nakhtar Banda, Baizad Banda, Gulshan Abaad and Speen Qabruna. OSDI's team distributed free medicines as per the doctor's prescription to the ailing people. To sensitize the participants about safe health & hygiene practices OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted awareness raising sessions on how to improve their lives.
#primaryhealth #hygiene #awareness #treatment

Monitoring Visit to TLC in Saleem Khan Banda
On 15th November 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said paid a monitoring visit to the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) built in Saleem Khan Banda community. During the visit, Mr. Said interacted with the students and teachers. He checked the attendance registers of the teaching staff and students. Subject related questions were asked from the students to check their understanding about the lessons being taught in class. The students enjoyed the delightful sessions with the Head of District.
#primaryschool #primaryeducation #learning #schoolmanagement

Distribution of Tillage Amount in Mardan
On 14th November 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said invited the 24 farmers participating in the 6th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers will grow wheat crop in this phase. Each farmer received tillage amount of PKR 7,500 per acre. The land size of each beneficiary varies from 1 to 3 acres of land. During this phase, the farmers have been chosen to participate from the focused communities of Shanay Zangal, Saleem Khan Banda, Hassanabad, Morra Banda and Umar Dhair. The farmers have received wheat crop seeds and DAP fertilizer from OSDI on 30th October 2023 under ADP phase I.
#livelihood #agriculture #wheatcrop #farmers

Monitoring Visit by Horticulturist in Mardan
On 13th November 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the orange fruit orchards set-up in the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch. Horticulturist expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain accompanied Mr. Ali during the visit. OSDI's team first went to the fruit orchards in Akhundara village. It was observed, that few plants were infected by leafminer, thrips whitefly and mites. He also observed leaf curl issue in some plants. Therefore, the horticulturist recommended the spray of Bifenthrin Acetamiprid and Diafenthiuron. Moving on to the fruit orchards set-up in the focused community of Biroch, the horticulturist suggested using Bifenthrin and Lambda-cyhalothrin insecticides on them. The farmers thanked OSDI's team for the consultation and guidance.
#livelihood #horticulturist #farmers #orangefruit

Meeting with SMC members & Hygiene Awareness Sessions
On 15th November 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the Temporary Learning Centers in the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad to conduct the monthly follow up meetings with School Management Committee (SMC) members. Besides this, the field team conducted awareness raising sessions on health & hygiene (H&H) with the students. In the TLC of Faqeer Muhammad, OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir conducted the sensitization session with 51 students and in the TLC of Jhangi Khan, OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela - Mr. Rashid Butt briefed the 55 students enrolled about safe health & hygiene practices. OSDI's team updated the SMC members about the school's progress and asked the committee members to do fencing around the TLCs.
#primaryschool #primaryeducation #learning #schoolmanagement

ADP - Phase 8 Farmers Attend Capacity Building Training
On 10th November 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) organized a one day capacity building session for the 26 farmers participating in the upcoming phase 8 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). OSDI's Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid and Agro Expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib conducted the knowledge sharing sessions. Nearly, 40 participants including 6 farmers from the previous phase along with the 4 focal persons from our targeted communities of Jhangi Khan, Hamarkani, Mutkani and Haji Mehran also attended the training. The farmers shall grow wheat crop on their farmlands in this phase. During the training, the farmers were educated about land preparation techniques, seed sowing, seedbed maintenance, preparing irrigation channels, application of fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides, etc. The training was held at the Circuit House in Lasbela.
#agriculture #agro #farmers #training #capacitybuilding

OSDI's TL attended Cricket Tournament in Lasbela
On 7th November 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt attended the Final Cricket Match as a Chief Guest. The tournament took place at the Wayaro Cricket Ground. K. B. Baricha Memorial Cricket Club Wayaro organized the match between itself and Hamarkani Cricket Club (HCC). The match was won by the HCC team. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt distributed cash prize amongst the winning team.
#sports #cricket #physicaleducation

OSDI's Annual Team Meeting in Karachi
Between 1st (Wednesday) and 2nd (Thursday) November 2023, OSDI organized its annual team meeting in its Head Office of Karachi. The purpose of this meeting was to have an overview of the overall progress of all projects ongoing, completed and to be implemented in both the focused districts of Mardan (KPK) and Lasbela (Baluchistan). Both teams had a detailed session on Exit Indicators before ending of the projects. OSDI's Founder Trustee - Mr. Aasim A. Siddiqui attended the meeting along with Mr. Asad Chandna - Executive Director at Pakistan Intermodal Limited (PIL) and had one-to-one discussions with each team member. OSDI's Field Teams from both the districts shared detailed information about their projects. Mr. Siddiqui appreciated the efforts of his team and emphasized on synergizing and strengthening ties with the local district departments for betterment of the vulnerable communities for sustainability creation. OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar N. Khan supervised the team meeting. On 3rd November 2023 (Friday), an exposure visit was planned in which the staff was taken to Keenjhar Lake in district Thatta (Sindh).
#teammeeting #sustainability #povertyalleviation #annualteammeet
First Term Assessments Conducted in TLC of SKB
Between 23rd (Monday) to 28th (Saturday) October 2023, OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) conducted the first term assessments in the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Saleem Khan Banda. It was the first time these students had participated in the assessment tests.
The students were assessed for various subjects according to their class groups. Moving on, the school teachers have been asked to conduct regular class assessments of the students to assess their subject understanding. The 2nd term has formally begun in the school.
#primaryeducation #education #assessments #learning

OSDI Initiates 13th Phase of School Based De-Worming Campaign
OSDI's Manager Health-care and Monitoring & Evaluation - Dr. Kamran Sohail visited the recently initiated Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad to initiate the 13th phase of School Based De-Worming Project (SBDW). The activity was carried out on 31st October 2023 (Tuesday). Every student from the age group of 3 - 12 years received a dose of deworming medicine i.e. zyntel syrup along with a pack of 250ml milk and energy biscuits. The overall strength of students in TLC of Jhangi Khan was 67 on the activity day and in TLC of Faqeer Muhammad 55 students were present. OSDI's team conducted 2 awareness raising sessions in both the TLCs to educate the students about safe health & hygiene practices to avoid abdominal worms.
#deworming #students #awareness #health #hygiene #healthiswealth

OSDI organized 2nd GMC in Faqeer Muhammad community
On 31st October 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Healthcare Team conducted a General Medical Camp in the focused community of Faqeer Muhammad in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). It was the second medical camp held in this village since December 2022. OSDI's appointed doctor and paramedical staff checked and treated 229 patients in this GMC. The ailing people came from the focused communities of Faqeer Muhammad, Pini Ladhoo and Sukkan. Free medicines were distributed as per the doctor's prescription to the patients. Later on, OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir along with Mr. Abdullah Ilyas - M&E and Healthcare officer conducted 2 sensitization sessions on creating awareness about practicing safe health & hygiene methods to live a healthy live. 22 females attended the first session and the other one had 25 children.
#health #primaryhealthcare #hygiene #awareness #capacitybuilding #training

Capacity Building of Farmers for ADP - Phase 1 in Mardan
On 31st October 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said along with the agro expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain organized a one day capacity building workshop for the 24 farmers selected to participate in the 6th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Agriculture expert Mr. Sardar Hussain conducted the training. The farmers were trained about the basic modern techniques of wheat crop cultivation. Mr. Hussain shared details on land preparation, seed rate per acre and seed sowing techniques, application of fertilizer, pre- & post-emergence weed/herbs and weedicide/herbicides utilization. He also informed the participants about the irrigation requirements for the wheat crops. All the participating farmers attended the training. Mr. Said briefed the participants about the benefits of this project and how it could help in creating sustainability within their lives if followed and implemented properly. He emphasized on educating their children.
. #capacitybuilding #training #livelihood #agriculture #landpreparation #farmers

Data Collection of Cotton Crop - Phase 7 in Lasbela
On 28th October 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the focused communities of Hamarkani, Hashim Goth and Golani to collect data of cotton crop production cultivated in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). 17 farmers chose to grow cotton crop on 48 acreage of farmland in this cycle. After the final compilation of overall results, the crop produced in maunds shall be calculated. In the next cycle, wheat crop will be cultivated by the farmers.
#agriculture #farming #cotton #wheat #livelihood

OSDI organized its 1st GMC in Natyaan
On 28th October 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of District Mardan (KPK) organized its First General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Natyaan. This village lies in the village council of Surkhabi, in the union council of Bazaar. OSDI appointed Dr. Muhammad Tufail to check and treat the ailing people. A total number of 278 patients availed primary healthcare treatment at this one-day medical camp. Patients from the adjacent communities of Natyaan, Surkhabi, Khanpur, Shah Dara and Dara attended the GMC. OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted 2 health & hygiene awareness raising sessions to educate the participants about the significance of adaptive safe health & hygiene practices.
#health #primaryhealthcare #hygiene #awareness #capacitybuilding #training

Agro Expert Visit for Land Inspection in ADP - Phase 1
On 25th October 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain visited the agricultural fields of farmers selected to participate in the phase 1 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Overall, it is the 6th Phase of ADP in district Mardan (KPK), previously the beneficiaries were being assisted through interest-free micro-financing. During this phase, 24 farmers intend to cultivate wheat crop on 54.5 acres of land. The farmers have been chosen from the focused communities of Shanay Zangal, Saleem Khan Banda, Hassanabaad, Umar Dhair and Morra Banda. Mr. Sardar inspected the size of the land, soil texture and the level of fields; he further guided the farmers about land preparation tips and field levelling techniques.
#livelihood #agriculture #landpreparation #farmers

Capacity Building Training of Volunteers & Social Activists
On 20th October 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Manager Monitoring Evaluation & Health care - Dr. Kamran Sohail accompanied with OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said conducted a capacity building training for the local individuals from the 6 recently intervened focused communities of OSDI. These communities are Saleem Khan Banda, Natyaan, Hassanabad, Umar Dhair, Shanay Zangal and Morra Banda. Nearly 13 individuals comprising of schoolteacher and School Management Committee (SMC) members of Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in Saleem Khan Banda and focal persons from each of the villages attended the one-day training session. Dr. Kamran briefed the audience about the interventions made by OSDI within its focused communities, over the years. Next, the participants were trained about the importance of adapting safe health & hygiene practices and organizing monthly General Medical Camps (GMCs) to provide primary healthcare facilitations to the ailing people. The participants were trained about need assessment, planning and execution prior to conducting the activity and taking follow-up later on. OSDI's team trained about the benefits of networking with concerned individuals and institutions considering the phase out exit strategy. The participants thanked the OSDI's team for the enlightening session.
#health #hygiene #awareness #capacitybuilding #training

Reverification of LAP Beneficiaries in Mardan
Between 17th (Tuesday) - 20th (Friday) October 2023, OSDI's Manager Monitoring Evaluation & Health care - Dr. Kamran Sohail and Monitoring Evaluation & Health care Officer - Mr. Abdullah Ilyas visited district Mardan (KPK). The purpose of this visit was to conduct reverification of all the potential beneficiaries selected to participate in the upcoming phases of Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP). In the newly selected focused communities of Saleem Khan Banda, Natyaan, Hassanabad and Morra Banda, OSDI intends to launch its 6th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP), 9th Phase of Livestock Development Project (LDP) and 5th Phase of Small Rural Enterprise Project (SREP). Altogether, the M&E team assessed and re-verified 60 individuals. The projects will be initiated after the finalization of the beneficiaries.
#monitoring #livelihood #agriculture #livestock #smallbusiness

Visit of OSDI's vet to LDP - Phase 5 Beneficiaries
OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) along with the veterinary expert - Dr. Akhtar visited the Livestock Development Project (LDP) beneficiaries of Phase 5 on 19th (Thursday) & 26th (Thursday) October 2023. This purpose of this visit was to check & monitor the health of the livestock distributed by OSDI. On the first day, 16 beneficiaries from the focused communities of Hamarkani, Golani, Hashim Burfat, Jangi Khan, Muraad and Baraad were met. OSDI's team checked the health of 48 animals and dewormed 14 livestock. The remaining 26 beneficiaries from the communities of Hussain, Moosa, Gao, Faqeer Muhammad, Hindu Mohallah and Jamot Colony were met on the second visit in which health of 72 animals was checked and 21 were dewormed.
#livelihood #livestock #animals #deworming #healthcheck

Sports Items Donated in TLC of Faqeer Muhammad
On 23rd October 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Faqeer Muhammad to hand over the sports equipment to the school teacher. For the holistic growth and development of the students, engaging them in physical education is very important. OSDI donated 2 cricket bats, 2 tennis balls, 2 footballs, 2 jumping ropes, 2 frizz bees, 2 wicket sets, 4 badminton rackets and 4 badminton shuttles for the students. Currently, the TLC has more than 40 students enrolled in it. On behalf of the students, the schoolteacher thanked OSDI's team.
#students #primaryeducation #sports #physicaleducation

Meeting with Senior AED Representative
On 16th October 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt visited the office of the Agriculture Extension Department to meet the Deputy Director - Mr. Haider Abbas. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the wheat crop input composition for the upcoming phase 8 of OSDI's Agriculture Development Project (ADP). During this phase, OSDI's team plans to cultivate wheat crop. To serve the purpose, Mr. Butt enquired about the seeds selection and suitable variety of wheat seeds suitable for sowing in district Lasbela. After an enlightened session, Mr. Butt thanked the senior representative for the detailed information sharing.
#agriculture #wheat #seedsowing #livelihood

Distribution of Stationary items and Initial Assessment
On 17th October 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Assistant Manager Communications & Education - Ms. Fizza Rizvi visited the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad along with the Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt and Mr. Adnan Qadir - Field Assistant. The purpose of this visit was to primarily meet and interact with the students enrolled in OSDI TLCs and their teachers. Besides this, OSDI's senior representative hand over stationary items, school bags, notebooks, slates, chalks, color pencils, classroom charts, Pakistani flags and hygiene awareness banners in each TLC. On behalf of OSDI, each enrolled student received a school bag along with pencil pouch containing 2 pencils, an eraser, a sharpener and a ruler. To conduct the initial assessment, subjective question papers were distributed amongst the students. To acknowledge the efforts of the teaching staff, OSDI gave souvenirs to each of its teacher. Next, one-to-one meetings were held with the members of the School Management Committee (SMC) in which their queries were addressed, details about the school progress was shared, emphasis was made on increasing the number of student enrollments, washroom facilities and preparation of school play area was discussed. The SMC members of Faqeer Muhammad community were asked to clean their passage way as the trees have overgrown and are blocking the main route.
#students #primaryeducation #assessments #stationary #firstterm #teachers

Distribution of Sports Equipment in TLC Jhangi Khan
For smooth and healthy development of psychomotor learning skills, physical education is equally important. On 13th October 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir hand over the sports equipment and material to a representative of the School Management Community (SMC) in the focused community of Jhangi Khan. This TLC also caters to the students of the adjacent community of Mutkani. On behalf of OSDI, the sports material given consisted of 2 cricket bats, 4 tennis balls, 2 footballs, 2 jumping ropes, 2 frizz bees, 2 wicket sets, 4 badminton rackets and 4 badminton shuttles. Currently, 54 students are enrolled in this TLC and the number of enrollments is gradually increasing. The SMC member thanked OSDI's team for the kind donation.
#students #primaryeducation #sports #physicaleducation

OSDI's Teacher conducted H&H activity in Class
On 14th October 2023 (Saturday), the students of OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in the focused community of Faqeer Muhammad in district Lasbela (Baluchistan) were engaged in a repetitive activity of relearning about the importance of safe health & hygiene practices. The students collectively enjoyed the learning by doing activity in class. The class teacher taught the students about the necessity of trimming nails every week, washing hands before and after every meal especially after sanitation, wearing clean clothes, bathing and combing hair daily. The students were also briefed about maintaining cleanliness in class and at home. 34 students were present on the activity day.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitization #capacitybuilding #students #primaryeducation

H&H activity held in TLC Jhangi Khan
On 13th October 2023 (Friday), OSDI's female teacher of Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in the focused community of Jhangi Khan organized a recurring activity to highlight the importance of health & hygiene in class. This follow-up session was held as a repetitive activity to engage the students in motor learning skills. The class teacher re-educated the students about the benefits of hand-wash before and after every meal, especially after sanitation. She emphasized the significance of cleaning teeth twice a day using miswak (a traditional method of cleaning teeth from twig of Salvadora Persica Tree). The students were asked to take bath daily to stay safe from germs and diseases. 46 students were present on the activity day in which 29 were girls and 17 were male students.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitization #capacitybuilding #students #primaryeducation

OSDI & HANDS collaborate for H&H session
On 9th October 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) along with the representatives of HANDS visited the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad. The purpose of this visit was to conduct Health & Hygiene awareness raising sessions in both the TLCs. On behalf of HANDS, Ms. Nusrat Jalil - Senior Officer, Ms. Sadia Zahid - Senior Officer, Ms. Huma Qadir - Senior Officer and Mr. Mola Bux - Senior Officer conducted the sensitization session in the presence of Mr. Wajahat Baloch - District Admin Officer. Altogether, 62 students from both the TLCs attended the 2 capacity building sessions. The students were briefed in detail about safe health & hygiene practices in which the trainers talked about significance of hand wash and cleanliness. Later on, the HANDS team distributed anti-bacterial soaps amongst the students.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitization #capacitybuilding #students #primaryeducation

First Health & Hygiene Sensitization Sessions in TLC Saleem Khan
On 5th October 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Field Assistant of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted the first health & hygiene awareness raising sessions in the newly initiated Temporary Learning Center (TLC), located in the focused community of Saleem Khan Banda. This village lies in the union council of Bazaar. 63 students participated in the sensitization sessions. During the 3 capacity building sessions the students were briefed about the importance of safe health & hygiene practices. Mr. Ibrar informed the students about nail trimming, hair combing, brushing teeth twice a day, bathing daily and washing hands before & after every meal especially after sanitation. By adapting these behavior change practices the chances of falling ill on regular basis will also be lowered, thus the health of the students will be protected.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitization #capacitybuilding #students #primaryeducation

Re-verification of ADP & SREP Beneficiaries by M&E
Between 2nd (Monday) - 3rd (Tuesday) October 2023, OSDI's Monitoring Evaluation & Healthcare team visited the focused vulnerable communities in district Lasbela (Baluchistan) to meet the beneficiaries and re-verify about their details before initiation of the upcoming projects. OSDI's Field team of Lasbela accompanied the head office team during the 2 days visit. Initially, the monitoring team went to the newly initiated Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in both the targeted communities of Faqeer Muhammad and Jhangi Khan, next re-verification assessment was made for the farmers of the upcoming phase 8 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The team met the potential farmers in Hamarkani, Mutkani, Faqeer Muhammad, Jhangi, Haji Jamot and Haji Meeran villages. OSDI's team also checked the agro land of the farmers for verification purpose. After this, re-verification assessment of 4 potential beneficiaries for Small Rural Enterprise Project - Phase IV was done.
#monitoring #assessment #agriculture #primaryeducation #smallbusiness
Construction of TLCs in Jhangi Khan & Faqeer Muhammad
On 28th September 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt along with Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir
visited the focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad to monitor
the construction work of Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs). The members
of the School Management Committees (SMCs) were also present to facilitate
the construction labors. Infrastructures of both the TLCs were completed
on this day. Prior to the TLC construction, the community members prepared
the land by levelling it and ensuring some void space to be kept for the
playground area. The students shall be shifted to these TLCs from next week
#primaryeducation #school #learning

1st General Medical Camp in Morra Banda
On 28th September 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan
(KPK) organized the first General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community
of Morra Banda. The village lies in the union council of Bazaar. During
this one-day GMC, OSDI's doctor and paramedical staff successfully treated
124 patients amongst which 58 were males and 66 were female patients. Nearly,
14 patients were minors. Prior to conducting the GMC, OSDI's field staff
arranged a door-to-door promotional campaign to inform the villagers about
the medical camp. Announcement was also made on the community mosque's loudspeaker.
Patients from the adjacent communities of Surkhabi, Arab Seray, Dara and
Morra Banda itself availed the primary healthcare facility. Ailing people
also received free medicines as per the doctor's prescription from OSDI's
staff. It was observed that 43% males and 57% female patients suffered from
Gastro Intestinal Tract Infection (GIT), 59% females and 41% males had Musculoskeletal
problems and nearly 14% patients complained of Ear, Nose & Throat (E.N.T.)
issues. Mr. Ibrar Ali - OSDI's Field Assistant in district Mardan conducted
2 health & hygiene awareness raising sessions to educate the 20 participants
present about safe health & hygiene practices.
#primaryhealthcare #health #freemedicines #hygiene #awareness #treatment

Health & Hygiene Sensitization Session in TLC Saleem Khan
On 23rd September 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district
Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the OSDI's recently initiated Temporary
Learning Center (TLC) in the focused community of Saleem Khan Banda to conduct
a sensitization session on safe health & hygiene practices. The TLC has
more than 70 students acquiring primary education in it. Mr. Ali taught
the students about the importance of hygiene in daily life and how it can
help in lowering the chances of falling sick. The students were briefed
about the benefits of daily bathing, brushing teeth twice a day, washing
hands before and after every meal, wearing clean clothes, combing hair,
trimming of nails on weekly basis, keeping their school premises and home
clean, discarding litter properly, etc. 63 students were present on the
activity day.
#hygiene #health #awareness #sensitization #education

Monitoring Visit of Horticulturist to the Fruit Farms
On 21st September 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district
Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali along with the Horticulturist expert - Sardar
Hussain visited the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch to examine
the orange fruit plants. Mr. Hussain checked the plants distributed by OSDI
and fences built by the farmers around the orchards. He further commented
that the growth of the plants is very well and suggested that after the
maize crops are harvested we should dig a circle around each plant extending
3 feet from base. Furthermore, the horticulturist also recommended the spray
of leaf miner, sega pest clear spray and Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
(NPK) spray on all plants.
#horticulture #plants #orangefruit #maize #pestspray

OSDI organized General Medical Camp in Baraad Community
In the focused community of Baraad, located in the union council of
Wayaro in district Lasbela (Baluchistan), OSDI organized its second General
Medical Camp (GMC) this year. This one day GMC was held on 22nd September
2023 (Friday). Ailing people from the adjacent community of Muraad also
received primary healthcare treatment and checkup from the OSDI's appointed
doctors and qualified paramedical staff. 159 patients were treated and received
medications as per the doctor's prescription at this GMC. It was observed
that 28% patients were diagnosed with Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI),
17% suffered from Musculoskeletal issues, 16% ailing people had Gastro Tract
Infection (GIT) and nearly 15% patients had Skin Infections besides, other
diseases. OSDI's team conducted 5 health & hygiene awareness raising sessions
in which 68 individuals were sensitized about adapting safe health & hygiene
practices to improve their living conditions. Practical demonstration on
proper hand wash and teeth brushing technique was shown to the beneficiaries.
#primaryhealthcare #health #freemedicines #hygiene #awareness #treatment

Volunteers Capacity Building Training in Lasbela
On 21st September 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Monitoring Evaluation & Health
Care Manager - Dr. Kamran Sohail along with the M&E and Health Care Officer
- Mr. Abdullah Ilyas conducted a Volunteers Capacity Building Training in
the field office of district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The basic purpose of
this training was to enable the local individuals and activists including
both male and female for community support and development after OSDI's
exit from the focused communities. Altogether, 15 people attended these
sessions from 11 focused communities in which 7 were female participants
and 8 were males. OSDI's field team invited the village volunteers, local
teachers and representatives of the focused communities of OSDI to work
as positive social change agents to sensitize their fellow community members
on various ways to improve their living standards. The major topics of discussion
were General Medical Camps (GMCs), Health & Hygiene (H&H) awareness and
importance of immunization for which participants were briefed about planning,
implementation and assessment of the activities as pre, intra and post levels.
Apart from this, attendees were also encouraged to communicate and connect
with health-care providers both at local and district levels to minimize
the prevalent gaps between the local community and health-care officials.
The attendees thanked OSDI's team for the self-awakening session.
#primaryhealthcare #hygiene #awareness #sensitize #training #capacitybuilding

Monitoring Visit to TLC in Saleem Khan Banda
On 19th September 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district
Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the newly initiated Temporary Learning
Center (TLC) opened in the focused community of Saleem Khan Banda. This
village lies in the union council of Bazaar. Mr. Ali met the students and
had interactive sessions with them class wise. He also took an update from
the schoolteacher Mr. Ijaz about the student's progress and regularity.
As of now, there are 63 students enrolled in this TLC.
#education #primaryeducation #classmonitoring #teacher #students

ADP Monitoring Visit by OSDI's Field Team
On 19th September 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) visited the focused communities of Hamarkani, Hashim and Golani
to inspect the cotton crop condition after the ongoing seasonal rainfall.
OSDI's Team met 9 farmers and checked their cotton fields. On behalf of
OSDI, District Team Leader - Mr. Rashid Butt collected Community Development
Fund (CDF) from 3 farmers. As the cotton crop-picking cycle is currently
ongoing, the farmers were enquired about their crops. The received CDF will
be used in the community development projects as per the requirement of
the local people having 50% contribution from OSDI has an equal opportunity
provider. The total crop produced in this 7th Phase of Agriculture Development
Project (ADP) will be calculated after the picking cycle is completed.
#agriculture #farmers #cottoncrop #monitoring

Routine Visit to OSDI's TLCs in Lasbela
On 18th September 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of District Lasbela
(Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited
the recently initiated Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) built in the focused
communities of Faqeer Muhammad and Jhangi Khan. It was a surprise-monitoring
visit to check the situation of the ongoing classes. Mr. Butt interacted
with the students of both the TLCs and asked questions about the subjects
being taught. He also asked the class teachers about any issues being faced
by them. Later on, OSDI's team visited the TLC construction sites in both
the focused communities along with the members of the School Management
Committee (SMC) for land inspection and measurements. The land levelling
work is currently ongoing in both the villages.
#education #primaryeducation #classmonitoring #teachers #students

OSDI's TL attended Cricket Match Tournament
On 15th September 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of District Lasbela
(Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt attended the Cricket Match Tournament held
at the Morand Cricket Ground. The sports festival was organized by Morand
Star Cricket Club. Mr. Butt was invited as a Chief Guest to attend the semifinal
match of Shaheed Dhani Bux Cricket Memorial Tournament. The cricket match
was held between the players of Tehsil Lakhra and Tehsil Utthal. On behalf
of OSDI, Mr. Butt distributed cash prize amongst the players. Team Lakhra
won the match.
#cricket #sports #tournament

Monitoring Visit to TLC in Faqeer Muhammad
In the newly initiated Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in the
community of Faqeer Muhammad in the union council of Wayaro in district
Lasbela (Baluchistan), OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar Khan paid
a monitoring visit. This educational facility is currently made functional
beneath a tree until the TLC construction work is completed. Since its inception
in the previous month, the TLC has 30 students enrolled in the facility.
On 14th September 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's team distributed energy biscuits
amongst the students. Mr. Khan checked the students & teacher's attendance
registers for monitoring purposes. Next, the Manager Programs met the School
Management Committee (SMC) members to know about the school progress. TLC
construction site was also visited by the Manager Programs to check the
land levelling and ground preparation work.
#primaryeducation #education #learning #schoolmanagement

Health Check of Livestock in Lasbela
On 13th September 2023 (Wednesday), Mr. Sheheryar Khan - OSDI's Manager
Programs and Mr. Babar Junaid - the Senior Associate Manager Livelihood
Assistance Program (LAP) accompanied by the field team of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) and OSDI's appointed veterinary expert - Dr. Akhtar visited
the Phase 5 beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP). It was
a routine monitoring visit to check the health of animals distributed in
this phase. On this day, the livestock of 16 beneficiaries was checked.
Dr. Akhtar dewormed 19 animals and treated 3 critically ill goats out of
the total 41 animals monitored. OSDI's team visited the targeted communities
of Hamarkani, Hashim, Golani, Jhangi Khan, Muraad and Baraad to meet the
beneficiaries. The beneficiaries thanked OSDI's team for the detailed visit.
#livelihood #livestock #animalhealth #deworming #treatment #healthcheck

Monitoring Visit to TLC in Jhangi Khan
On 13th September 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar
Khan along with the Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program
(LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid and Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan)
visited the OSDI's newly initiated Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in the
focused community of Jhangi Khan. This educational facility caters to the
children of Mutkani village also. OSDI's senior management met the students
and class teacher to enquire about the daily lessons being taught in school.
So far, the TLC has 22 students enrolled in it. Besides this, 27 children
are attending classes regularly. OSDI's team distributed energy biscuits
amongst 14 male and 35 female students. Furthermore, the team went to the
TLC site to check the land levelling work in progress. In the end, the School
Management Committee (SMC) members were met.
#primaryeducation #education #learning #schoolmanagement

OSDI's TL attends Disaster Risk Reduction Forum
On 12th September 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt attended a meeting held at the office of
Deputy Commissioner Lasbela - Mr. Noor Muhammad Mando Kheil. The event was
organized by Pak Mission Society. During the meeting, Mr. Butt shared a
brief introduction about OSDI and its past interventions within the focused
communities. OSDI's TL also talked about the status of upcoming and currently
ongoing projects. Additional Deputy Commissioner (R) - Mr. Muhammad Naeem
Umrani, ADC (General) - Mr. Farhan Sulaiman Ronjhoo, DDHO Lasbela - Mr.
Mansoor Malik and DEO Lasbela - Mr. Anwar Jamali also graced the occasion
with their valuable presence. Besides this, district heads of Pak Mission,
also attended the meeting.
#capacitybuilding #sustainability

Vet Visit to LDP - Phase 5 Beneficiaries
On 8th September 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) along with the veterinary expert - Dr. Akhtar visited the
28 beneficiaries participating in the 5th Phase of Livestock Development
Project (LDP). It was a routine monitoring visit to check the health of
animals distributed in this phase. OSDI's team went to the communities of
Hussain, Mussa, Gao, Faqeer Muhammad, Hindu Mohalla and Jamot Colony to
monitor the health condition of 78 livestock. 34 goats were dewormed and
5 animals were treated by the vet. Moreover, the vet also filled the health
checklist of the animals.
#livestock #livelihood #goats #dewormed #animalhealth #monitoring

Monitoring Visit of the ADP - Phase 7 Fields
On 5th September 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district
Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the targeted communities
of Faqeer Muhammad, Jhangi Khan and Baraad to monitor the cotton crop health.
It is the 7th phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP) in which a
total number of 17 farmers have participated. Since the cotton crop has
matured now, the picking process of the cotton balls is currently ongoing.
Mr. Adnan met 8 farmers for monitoring purpose on this day. The farmers
were busy on their farm fields.
#livelihood #agriculture #cottoncrop #monitoring #farmers

Health & Hygiene Sessions in New TLCs of Lasbela
On 5th September 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district
Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the newly initiated Temporary
Learning Centers (TLCs) in Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad communities.
The purpose of this visit was firstly; to check the teacher and student
attendance registers, conduct sensitization sessions in both the educational
facilities and lastly, meet the community members to mobilize them to send
their school age going out-of-school children (OOSC) to the OSDI's TLCs.
Firstly, a sensitization session was held in the TLC of Faqeer Muhammad
community. During this awareness raising session, 19 female students and
11 male students were engaged in informal training on how they can lower
the risks of falling ill through keeping themselves clean and tidy. The
TLC initiated in the focused community of Jhangi Khan also has children
attending regular classes from Mutkani village. Nearly, 30 girls and 12
boys attended the capacity building session in this TLC. The students thoroughly
enjoyed the demonstrative part of the training where they were taught about
the proper hand-washing technique. #handwash #awareness #capacitybuilding
#education #primaryeducation #hygiene

Distribution of Course Books in TLCs of Lasbela
On 1st September 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela
(Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt invited the newly appointed female teachers
of OSDI's initiated Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in Jhangi Khan and
Faqeer Muhammad to his office. Both the schoolteachers shared details about
the students' progress in class and increase in student enrollment. After
the discussion, OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir handed over 17
sets of course books and 28 slates with chalks to the schoolteacher of TLC
in Jhangi Khan community. This TLC also facilitates the students from the
adjacent village of Mutkani. On the other hand, the TLC teacher of Faqeer
Muhammad received 10 sets of course books and 16 slated with chalks for
the students in her school. The teachers were asked to maintain students'
attendance on day-to-day basis. #education #primaryeducation #notoilliteracy
Vet Visit to LDP - Phase 5 Beneficiaries
On 25th August 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir along with the veterinary expert - Dr. Akhter visited the focused communities of Hamarkani, Hashim Goth, Golani, Jhangi Khan, Muraad and Baraad. The purpose of this visit was to check the health of the remaining livestock, missed in the previous visit.
On this day, the remaining 42 livestock of 16 beneficiaries was checked by OSDI's team. During the visit, 22 animals were dewormed and 1 critically ill goat received medical treatment.
OSDI's team visited 6 beneficiaries in Hamarkani village, 4 in Jhangi Khan, 2 each in Golani & Baraad and 1 each in Hashim Goth & Muraad.
#livelihood #livestock #animals #healthcheck #deworm #treatment #monitoring

MoU Signing with SMC members in Mardan
On 26th August 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said had a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the members of the School Management Committee (SMC) for the Temporary Learning Center in Saleem Khan Banda village. This community lies in the union council of Bazaar.
As per criteria, the SMC consists of 5 reputable people nominated by the community members. On the same day, MoU signing between the owner of the house and OSDI also took place. The 4 rooms built cemented infrastructure has been donated as a TLC area for the cause of education.
OSDI shall appoint schoolteachers in the next few days to begin the regular classes in this vicinity.
#education #primaryeducation #teachers #learning

Monitoring of Fruit Orchards by Agro Expert
On 25th August 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch along with the horticulturist - Mr. Sardar Hussain. It was a routine monitoring visit to check the health of orange fruit plants given in both the phases of the horticulture project.
During the visit, Mr. Hussain checked the overall the parameters including plant height, leaf color, soil condition, nutrient requirement, symptoms for pest or insect attack and fencing of the orchards. The farmers were guided to use the Sega Pest Clear spray for the safeguarding of the leaf tissues.
The farmers vowed to have their plants gushed with the pesticide spray in the next few days.
#livelihood #horticulture #fruitorchard #oranges #pestspray

Initial Assessment for ADP - Phase 8 in Lasbela
On 21st (Monday) & 26th (Saturday) August 2023, OSDI's Team Leader - Mr. Rashid Butt and Field Assistant of District Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir conducted the initial household assessment survey of potential vulnerable farmers for the Phase 8 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). In the upcoming cropping season, the farmers are expected to grow wheat crop on their farmlands.
OSDI shall conduct the reverification process of the suitable farmers in a few days after which finalization of the participants shall be confirmed. So far, the assessments have been done in the focused communities of Haji Meeran, Haji Jamot, Hamarkani, Jhangi Khan, Gao, Faqeer Muhammad and Mutkani.
OSDI will organize a training session for the capacity building of the potential farmers soon after the project initiation after which wheat inputs will be distributed.
#livelihood #agriculture #farmers #wheatcrop

TLCs Initiated in Jhangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad
The new academic session has begun from 15th August 2023 (Tuesday) in district Lasbela (Baluchistan), however, the OSDI's newly initiated Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in the recently intervened focused communities of Faqeer Muhammad and Jhangi Khan started from 21st August 2023 (Monday). As both the TLCs are in the construction phase as of now hence, OSDI has arranged for temporary locations in both the villages to initiate the classes.
OSDI's appointed schoolteachers and field representatives are proactively following up with the parents and guardians to have their school age going out-of-school children (OOSC) to attend the regular classes. In the initial phase, the students are being taught about basic ethics and morals to adapt to classroom environment, respect their classmates and teachers alike. The students are also being taught about the importance of personal and environmental hygiene and its impact in their daily lives.
The schoolteachers are engaging the students in various informal activities to motivate them towards acquiring education.
#primaryeducation #education #students #teachers

Visit of Senior BEF Representative to TLC Qambrani
On 21st August 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of District Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied with the Regional Supervisor (Central Region B, Kalat Division) at Baluchistan Education Foundation (BEF) - Mr. Mansoor Ahmed Baloch visited the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in the Qambrani community. During the visit, Mr. Mansoor was introduced to the schoolteacher and students in class.
Mr. Mansoor checked the student register, teacher's daily diary, classroom condition and had one-to-one discussion with the students. He fulfilled the final BEF requirements for school taking over. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Rashid Butt conducted a health & hygiene awareness raising session which was attended by 64 students present on the activity day.
Later on, Mr. Mansoor met the members of the School Management Committee (SMC) to introduce his organization restructured the SMC to Parents Teacher School Management Committee (PTSMC).
#education #primaryeducation #school #learningcenter #schoolmanagement

OSDI's TL attended Introductory Meeting in Lasbela
On 18th August 2023 (Friday), Mr. Rashid Butt - OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) attended a meeting held at the office of District Chairman (Lasbela). The meeting was chaired by Sardar Rasheed Forai.
Uthhal Tehsil's Municipal Committee Chairman - Syed Soomar Shah also graced the event as a Guest of Honor. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt shared details about the areas of intervention, ongoing projects, vulnerability checking mechanism and monitoring procedures to ensure transparency of all programs.
Furthermore, the meeting was well-attended by representatives of all line departments, social welfare department and other non-profit organizations.
#monitoring #vulnerability #intervention

Reverification Assessments for Potential LAP Beneficiaries in Mardan
Between 16th (Wednesday) - 19th (Saturday) August 2023, senior management of OSDI comprising of Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar Khan, Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid and Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said conducted reverification assessments of the families shortlisted for the Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP). Projects under LAP will initiate in the upcoming days. OSDI's team went from door-to-door to interview the vulnerable households.
Nearly, 123 susceptible individuals were met for the reassessment process. After short listing of the final beneficiaries, OSDI shall initiate its intervention within the newly selected focused communities by launching its livelihood assistance, community development and food security projects as planned.
OSDI's team met the families for re-verification in the communities of Shanay Zangal, Saleem Khan, Umair Dhair, Hassanabad, Morra Banda and Natyan.
#baselinesurvey #sustainability #livelihood #community #foodsecurity

1st Integrated Health Outreach Medical Camp Held in Chib Sheikh village
On 17th August 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) under the supervision of Dr. Kamran Sohail - OSDI's Manager Health-care and Monitoring & Evaluation held the first Integrated Health Outreach Medical Camp (IHOM-Camp) in the focused revenue village of Chib Sheikh. This one day medical camp was held in collaboration with the District Health Department - Government of Baluchistan and People's Primary Health-care Initiative (PPHI-Baluchistan).
On behalf of the district health department, 2 vaccinators and one Malaria supervisor attended the medical camp. The government's health team conducted Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) and Hepatitis C (HCV) tests. OSDI's appointed doctor checked the health of 252 patients in which 79 were males and the remaining 173 patients were females. It was observed that majority of the patients suffered from Gastro Tract Infection (GIT) as 28.1% ailing people, Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI) as 6.7%, Skin Infection as 4.7% and other diseases as 50.7%. The patients attended the GMC from the adjacent communities of Gao, Moosa Goth, Noor Muhammad village and Hussain Goth. Free medicines were distributed by OSDI as per the doctor's prescription.
To sensitize the participants regarding safe health & hygiene practices OSDI's team in collaboration with HANDS conducted 3 awareness raising sessions with 72 individuals. Furthermore, the team from HANDS also distributed 250 jerry cans and 1000 soaps amongst the attendees. The Chairman of Union Council - Mr. Muhammad Ali and Vice Chairman - Mr. Muhammad Khan also visited the medical camp as Guests of Honor.
#health #primaryhealthcare #medicalcamp #freemedicines #patients #capacitybuilding #awarenessraising #sensitization

Health Check of Animals by Vet in Lasbela
On 16th August 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP) to check the health of animals distributed under the 5th Phase. During this one day visit, OSDI's appointed veterinary expert - Dr. Akhter met 28 beneficiaries participating in this phase.
OSDI's team checked the health of 79 animals, dewormed 30 livestock and treated 2 animals against diseases. In this phase, 16 beneficiaries have been chosen to participate from the focused community of Hussain Goth, 7 from Moosa Goth, 2 from Jamot Colony and one each from Gao, Faqeer Muhammad and Hindu Muhallah.
The beneficiaries thanked OSDI's team for the monthly follow-up visit to check the health of their animals.
#livelihood #livestock #vet #healthcheck #deworming #treatment #animals

Independence Day Celebration in Rustam Model School
To celebrate the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan, OSDI's Field Team of District Mardan (KPK) attended the celebration held at the Rustam Model School on 14th August 2023 (Monday). Mr. Sajjad Said - OSDI's Head of District Mardan graced the occasion as a Chief Guest.
The enthusiastic students delivered patriotic speeches, read motivational poetry, sang songs and national anthem with complete zest and zeal. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Said distributed certificates of appreciation and acknowledgement amongst the participating students and teachers.
Besides this, nearly 225 plants were sowed within the school premises by the students under the Natural Resource Management (NRM) project.
#independenceday #pakistan #education #naturalresource #plants

One day Field Visit of Senior Official to Lasbela
On 12th August 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Assistant Manager Communications & Education - Ms. Fizza Rizvi visited the field office of district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The aim of the visit was to meet the focal person of education department, conduct teachers initial training, meet the School Management Committee (SMC) members and check the land finalized for Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) prior to construction.
Initially, the Focal Person of Education Department / EMIS - Mr. Ather Qureshi met Ms. Rizvi to discuss about the ongoing projects of OSDI in the field of education. He applauded the educational facilities built by OSDI and their contribution in uplift the cause of education in Lasbela district. OSDI's team requested him for the provision of course books for the upcoming academic year. For the newly appointed female teachers a training session was held which was entitled, "Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Skills in a Teacher." To share day-to-day classroom experiences, Ms. Maryam - school teacher of OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in Qambrani village was requested to join the training session.
Next, OSDI's team visited the vulnerable community of Faqeer Muhammad to meet the SMC members and inform them about the roles & responsibilities of SMC. OSDI's team emphasized on the student enrollment activity and focusing on female enrollment ratio. The community members of Jhangi Khan and Mutkani were met in the end to allot a suitable place for 15 days so the regular classes shall commence until the TLC is formally constructed.
#education #primaryeducation #schoolchildren #learningcenter

Finalization of Land for TLCs
On 11th August 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) held meetings with the School Management Committee (SMC) members of both Faqeer Muhammad and Jhangi Khan communities. During the meeting, land area was finalized prior to construction of a Temporary Learning Center (TLC).
Mr. Rashid Butt - OSDI's District Team Leader met 10 community members to discuss about the suitable land area. The focused communities of Jhangi Khan and Mutkani will share the same TLC infrastructure whereas, the villagers of Faqeer Muhammad shall have their own educational facility.
Re-verification of stats of the out-of-school children (OOSC) in all the communities was also done on the same day.
#education #primaryeducation

Cotton Crop Assessment in District Lasbela
On 9th (Wednesday) & 10th (Thursday) August 2023, OSDI's Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid along with the field team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the focused communities of Hamarkani, Golani, Baraad and Jhangi Khan. The purpose of this visit was to monitor the cotton crop health.
On this day, OSDI's team visited the cotton crop lands of 10 farmers participating in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The overall crop growth seemed satisfactory. The first cycle of cotton crop picking has started by the farmers.
Mr. Junaid guided the farmers about crop picking technique and its storage.
#livelihood #agriculture #farming #cottoncrop #farmers

One Day Training on Natural Resource Management
On 6th August 2023 (Sunday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt attended a one day training workshop organized by the WWF-Pakistan. The training was entitled, "Introduction to Sustainable Management of Natural Resources".
The event took place in the Circuit House in collaboration with the Agriculture Extension Department (Lasbela). Dr. Ghulam Ali - Assistant Professor and Dr. Shahmeer from Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Sciences (LUAWMs) spoke about natural resource management, utilization of best agricultural practices, etc.
Focal Person of Organic Projects in Baluchistan and Deputy Director at Agriculture Extension Department - Mr. Habibullah Shah was the main chief guest at this event.
. #naturalresource #capacitybuilding #training #agriculture

Collection of Solar Panel Installments in Mardan
On 4th August 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said along with the Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the focused community of Akhundara in union council of Palo Dheri. The purpose of this visit was to collect the monthly installment of Solar Panels set-up by OSDI.
In FY 2020-21, OSDI distributed orange fruit plants under the pilot project of horticulture. 7 farmers have been chosen to grow fruit orchards. To provide easy access to water, these farmers were facilitated with Solar Panels facility. The farmers collectively contribute PKR 10,000 per month to pay OSDI their share on the installation expenses.
#water #farmers #horticulture #orangeplant #fruitplant

Capacity Building of District Lasbela Field Staff
On 4th August 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir participated in a one day training seminar organized by the Taraquee Foundation. The training was entitled "Inheritance Rights of Women in Pakistan".
During the seminar, Mr. Anwar Zai - District Coordinator spoke about gender-based violation, laws, rights and female inheritance clauses in Pakistan. Mr. Ayoub Achakzai - SSP Lasbela graced the occasion as a chief guest.
The event was attended by law enforcement agencies, government representatives, social sector officials and media representatives.
#womenempowerment #capacitybuilding #training
Health-check of Animals by Vet in Lasbela
In the focused communities of district Lasbela (Baluchistan), OSDI's Team along with the veterinary expert - Dr. Akhter met 17 beneficiaries participating in the 5th Phase of Livestock Development Project (LDP). The health check of livestock distributed by OSDI was done on 31st July 2023 (Monday).
During the visit, OSDI's appointed vet checked the health of 49 animals, dewormed 34 animals and treated 3 livestock. Dr. Akhter also addressed the queries of the beneficiaries regarding livestock rearing and breeding.
OSDI's team visited the beneficiaries in the focused communities of Hamarkani, Waryani, Golani, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad, Muraad and Baraad.
#livestock #livelihood #animals #animalhealth

SMC Formation in Faqeer Muhammad Community
Located in the union council of Wayaro in district Lasbela (Baluchistan) is a little scattered community called Faqeer Muhammad. The village comprises of 30 vulnerable households.
On 31st July 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader - Mr. Rashid Butt met the local community members to form a School Management Committee (SMC). Based on the credibility, reputation and willingness of the individuals, the SMC members were elected by the village elders and parents.
Nearly, 16 people attended the gathering.
#education #primaryeducation #school

OSDI's Team Leader Met DHO in Lasbela
On 31st July 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt met the District Health Officer (DHO) - Dr. Hameed Baloch at his office. Dr. Mansoor - Deputy District Health Officer (DDHO) was also present during the meeting.
On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt discussed about the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in the focused areas of intervention and exploring opportunities of mutual collaboration with the health department. He further requested the health department to support OSDI in organizing General Medical Camps (GMCs).
Dr. Baloch ensured his support to facilitate the ailing people.
#health #primaryhealth #immunization

Spray Application and Training of Farmers in Horticulture
On 21st July 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said accompanied with Mr. Ibrar Ali - Field Assistant visited the Phase 1 & 2 farmers participating from the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch in the Horticulture project. OSDI's appointed agrarian expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain thoroughly examined the plants growth.
The farmers were trained about the effective methods for orchard management. The training topic covered essential aspects of citrus cultivation, disease prevention, and pest control. OSDI's team distributed 1 bottle of Bifenthrin 250ml, 2 packets of Thiamethoxam 30gm, 2 packets of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium fertilizers (2020) 250g, 6 bottles of humic acid (micro nutrient) 4l and 50kgs of Urea fertilizer.
The farmers thanked the OSDI's team for the counselling and guidance.
#agriculture #livelihood #horticulture #orangeorchard #farmers

OSDI's Built TLC Qambrani Transferred to BEF
On 20th July 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Assistant Manager Communications & Education - Ms. Fizza Rizvi visited the Government Girls High School located at Mondra Chowk in district Hub (Baluchistan). The purpose of this visit was to meet the Regional Supervisor (Central Region B, Kalat Division) at Baluchistan Education Foundation (BEF) - Mr. Mansoor Ahmed Baloch to sign a MoU between both the organizations.
The meeting was held at the office of Deputy District Officer (DYDO) (F) in Hub - Ms. Shazia Hameed. In the year 2021, OSDI constructed a one classroom based Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in the focused community of Qambrani in M.C. Utthal. This TLC had an enrollment strength of 79 students till the end of academic year 2022.
From the next academic session, the TLC shall now be officially managed and operated by the BEF team.
#education #primaryeducation #schooltransfer #sustainability

Staff Capacity Building and Skill Development on Non-GMO seeds
On 19th July 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Adnan Qadir attended the training session on "Non-GMO Seeds Multiplication & Bio-Inputs" held at the Circuit House in Utthal. The training was organized by the Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI).
The CABI trainers delivered fruitful lectures on seed germination and best seed sowing practices. They briefed the audience about organic seeds and its benefits besides, pest controlling and management.
The event was attended by senior government officials, social sector officials and media representatives.
#agriculture #training #capacitybuilding

ADP - Phase 7 Farmers Receive Fertilizers in Lasbela
On 18th July 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) distributed nitrogen and phosphorus (NP) fertilizer amongst the farmers participating in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Altogether, 13 farmers received one bag of NP fertilizer (each) on this day.
4 farmers came from Jhangi Khan, 3 from Hamarkani, 2 each from Golani & Faqeer Muhammad and one each from Baraad & Hashim Goth. The remaining 2 farmers from the focused communities of Golani and Hashim Goth received their fertilizer bags on 20th July 2023 (Thursday).
The farmers shall use the fertilizer in the upcoming days.
#agriculture #livelihood #fertilizer

OSDI organized Training on IPM for ADP Farmers
On 18th July 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) organized a farmers training on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The training was held in the OSDI's field office.
For capacity building of the farmers participating in the recent phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP), OSDI appointed Dr. Ghulam Ali (Assistant Professor) and Mr. Qaiser Habib (Lecturer) from Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water & Marine Sciences (LUAWMs) to conduct the training session. The farmers were taught modern techniques of crop protection for pest controlling and management.
Mr. Sultan - Internal Control Inspector (ICI) at WWF also conducted a training session on identifying the common pests and beneficial insects found in the crops. Furthermore, Mr. Dawood (Botanical Pesticide Expert) from WWF demonstrated the use and preparation of Kurtuma and Neem spray for gushing on the plants to protect them from pests.
OSDI's team invited District Head of Agriculture Extension Department (AED) (Lasbela & Hub) - Mr. Qamar ud Din Baloch as a Honorable Chief Guest. Besides this, Mr. Haider Abbas Naqvi - Deputy Director at AED and Mr. Muneer Ahmed Baloch - District Training Manager at Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE) also attended the training as dignitaries.
#agriculture #livelihood #pestcontrol #training #capacitybuilding

Botanical Pesticides Received from AED office
On 14th July 2023 (Friday), Mr. Rashid Butt - OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the office of the Deputy Director - Mr. Haider Abbas Naqvi in Agriculture Extension Department (AED). The purpose of this visit was to receive the botanical pesticides for the farmers participating in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP).
Mr. Naqvi most generously donated 16 liters of pure Kurtuma extract and 6 liters of Neem extract for the cotton crop plants. The liquid extracts shall be sprayed on all the plants to protect them from being infested with pesticides for better growth of the plants.
OSDI shall distribute the extracts in the upcoming days.
#farmers #livelihood #agriculture #cottoncrop #pesticides

1st GMC organized in Hassanabad
In the newly intervened focused community of Hassanabad, located in the union council of Bazaar in district Mardan (KPK), OSDI organized the first General Medical Camp (GMC) on 13th July 2023 (Thursday). OSDI's appointed doctor checked 214 patients in the GMC.
The ailing people comprised of 94 males and 120 female patients. Amongst the patients, treated 26 patients were from under the age bracket of 5 years. It was observed that nearly 7% patients had Eye, Nose and Throat (ENT) infection, 6% people suffered from Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) Infection, 5% had skin infection issues and 4% had musculoskeletal pain. People from 4 different areas attended the GMC from the adjacent places of Baikar, Checkpost, Banda and Hassanabad.
Mr. Ibrar Ali - OSDI's Field Assistant conducted an awareness raising session with 20 participants on safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices.
#medicalcamp #primaryhealth #freemedicines #hygiene #awareness

Monitoring Visit by Agro Expert in Cotton Crop Fields
Between 12th (Wednesday) & 13th (Thursday) July 2023, OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) conducted monitoring visits of the agro fields. OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib accompanied the OSDI's team to check the crop health.
Out of the total 17 farmers participating in the 7th phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP) in which they have chosen to grow cotton crop, OSDI's team met 16 farmers. 1 farmer could not be reached due to road damage issue.
After the monitoring visit of the ADP farmers, OSDI's team then visited the vegetable lands of Kitchen Garden (K.G.) beneficiaries.
#farmers #livelihood #agriculture #cottoncrop #kitchengarden #vegetables

Meeting with NRSP Representative in Lasbela
On 13th July 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt visited the office of the District Supply Chain Officer in National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) - Mr. Amjad Ali Shah. It was an initial meeting to explore partnership opportunities of mutual interest.
NRSP has collaborated with OSDI in the previous years, to support us with malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) kits and medicines during the one day General Medical Camps (GMCs) held in district Lasbela.
Mr. Ali has vowed to continue supporting OSDI to help lower the malaria disease in the district.
#healthcare #malaria #primaryhealth

OSDI TL meets Village Counsellor of Sukkan
On 12th July 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt invited the village counsellor of Sukkan village at his office. This community lies in the union council of Wayaro.
Mr. Butt, discussed about the upcoming interventions of OSDI, in the newly intervened focused community of Jhangi Khan. Mr. Rehmatullah - village counsellor of Sukkan was asked to address the community issues and expedite the process of land finalization to initiate the construction work of Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in Jhangi Khan.
Moreover, Mr. Butt emphasized on the ideology of OSDI to work as collaborative partners alongside the community people.
#primaryeducation #education

Meeting with SMC members in Lasbela Office
On 12th July 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt held a meeting with the members of the School Management Committee (SMC). The meeting took place in the field office of OSDI.
In the previous month, OSDI formed a 5 members based SMC in the newly intervened focused communities of Jhangi Khan, Soomar Goth and Mutkani. As all the three communities are adjacent to each other, one Temporary Learning Center (TLC) shall be constructed in the center location.
Mr. Butt urged the SMC members to finalize a land location so the construction work shall begin.
#education #educationforall #primaryeducation #learningfacility #school

OSDI's TL Participates in Monthly DEG Meeting
On 10th July 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt attended the monthly District Education Group (DEG) meeting held at the office of Deputy Commissioner (D.C). The meeting was chaired by the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) - Mr. Farhan Roonjha.
Senior representatives of the government department attended the meeting to share progress about their respective teams. The attendees included people from the Social Welfare Department, District Education Department, etc.
On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt shared a detailed overview of the progress especially in the field of education.
#education #educationforall

Initial Meeting with SREP Beneficiaries
On 7th July 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir met the potential beneficiaries of Small Rural Enterprise Project (SREP) in the OSDI's field office. In the upcoming days, OSDI intends to initiate the 4th Phase of SREP in this district.
3 beneficiaries have been chosen to participate from the focused vulnerable communities of Faqeer Muhammad, Hashim Goth and Golani. Mr. Butt enquired in detail about the business plans of these beneficiaries. One potential beneficiary has shown interest to open a vegetable shop, one individual intends to open a tailor shop and the other is interested in grocery shop. Soon the project shall be launched.
#livelihood #smallbusiness #financialempowerment
OSDI's Team Conducted GMC in Umar Dhair village
On 27th June 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's district Team of Mardan (KPK) organized the first General Medical Camp (GMC) in the newly intervened focused community of Umar Dair. This village lies in the union council of Machi.
On behalf of OSDI, Dr. Arifullah checked and treated 197 patients in this GMC. Amongst the patients, 90 were males the remaining 107 patients were females. 25 patients from below the age group of 5 years received primary health care treatment at this medical camp. OSDI's team gave free medicines as per the doctor's prescription to the patients.
The medical camp was attended by the ailing people from the adjacent communities of Darang Kotti, Seel Banda and Surkh Koye alongwith Umar Dhair village
#primaryhealth #freemedicines #treatment #healthcheck

Livestock Health Check by Vet in Lasbela
On 27th June 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied by the vet - Dr. Akhtar visited the beneficiaries of Phase 5 - Livestock Development Project (LDP). The visit was aimed to check the health of remaining animals left in the previous trip.
Altogether, the vet examined the health of 54 animals from 8 focused communities. OSDI's team met 17 beneficiaries of LDP from the vulnerable communities of Hamarkani, Jhangi Khan, Muraad, Baraad, Gao, Faqeer Muhammad, Hindu Mohalla and Jamot Colony.
The vet dewormed 27 livestock and treated 1 animal.
#livestock #livelihood #animalhealth #deworming #healthcheck

SMC Formation in New Communities of Lasbela
On 27th June 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt visited the newly intervened focused community of Jangi Khan to meet the community members and form a School Management Committee (SMC). People also attended the meeting from Mutkani and Soomar villages.
Altogether, 38 community representatives from these villages selected 5 reputable people as SMC members. OSDI shall soon initiate the construction of a Temporary Learning Center (TLC) to begin the education process after finalization of land for school premises.
The SMC members have vowed to positively contribute towards the cause of education to help uplift their communities from illiteracy.
#school #schoolmanagement #primaryeducation #notoilliteracy

1st Medical Camp in Hamarkani Community
On 26th June 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Healthcare team conducted the 1st General Medical Camp (GMC) in the newly intervened focused community of Hamarkani. This village is located in the union council of Wayaro in district Lasbela (Baluchistan).
A total number of 168 patients received medical assistance and treatment during this one day GMC. The patients comprised of 102 females and 66 ailing males. Majority of the patients were diagnosed suffering from Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI) (25%), Skin Infections (23%) and Gastro Intestinal Tract Infection (GIT) (20%) besides other diseases.
OSDI's team held 2 sensitization sessions on safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices to train and educate 41 participants to help them improve their living conditions.
#primaryhealth #hygieneawareness #freemedicines #treatment

OSDI Donates Medicines in Mardan
OOn 21st June 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Head of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said and Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali successfully donated medicines in the Rustam Civil Hospital. Dr. Kashif Pirzada - Medical Superintendent (M.S.) received the medicines on behalf of the hospital.
OSDI's team donated 5012 capsules of Esorid (40mg) medicine for the vulnerable and deserving patients. Esorid capsules are used to cure erosive reflux esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease and duodenal ulcers.
The management of Rustam Civil Hospital applauded the efforts of OSDI for the generous donation.
#medicinedonation #health #helppatients

Monitoring Visit by Horticulture Expert
On 17th June 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali paid a monitoring visit to the focused communities of Biroch and Akhundara to examine the condition of orange fruit plants distributed in the Horticulture project. OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain accompanied the field assistant during this visit.
After thorough observation of the plants, the agro expert recommended the farmers to use potassium humic acid, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) fertilizer and urea (Nitrogen fertilizers) to overcome the fertilizer deficiency.
Moreover, as few plants were identified to be affected by leaf minor disease Mr. Hussain recommended to have bifenthrin spray sprinkled on them.
#agriculture #horticulture #fruitorchard #orangefruit #plants #fertilizers #livelihood

Meeting with Representative of CPD-PITE
On 17th June 2023 (Saturday), Mr. Rashid Butt - OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) held a meeting with Mr. Muneer Ahmed Baloch - District Training Manager at Continuous Professional Development (CPD) - Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE). The meeting took place at OSDI's field office of district Lasbela.
Both the representatives exchanged details about the progress of ongoing projects in the field of education. They also discussed about opportunities of mutual interest to promote the cause of education in district Lasbela.
On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt took keen interest in teachers training and professional development sessions to further improve the quality of education being delivered in class.
#education #primaryeducation #teachertraining #capacitybuilding

Reverification of Beneficiaries for LAP Projects
Between 14th (Wednesday) - 17th (Saturday) June 2023, OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) under the leadership of Mr. Sajjad Said - Head of District met a total number of 35 individuals for the reverification process of potential beneficiaries for the upcoming projects of Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP). The selection of beneficiaries would be finalized based on pre-defined LAP family selection criterion.
Under LAP, OSDI offers a variety of projects such as Agriculture Development Project (ADP), Horticulture Project, Livestock Development Project (LDP) and Small Rural Enterprise Project (SREP). During the meeting, Mr. Said briefed the participants about the beneficiaries' roles and responsibilities for making OSDI's initiatives sustainable after its exit.
He also guided the individuals how they could contribute effectively for the overall progress of their relevant communities.
#livelihood #agriculture #livestock #smallbusiness #horticulture #incomegeneration

OSDI's TL attends meeting in DC office
On 13th June 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt met the Honorable Deputy Commissioner of district Lasbela at his office.
Mr. Younas Sinjrani - Deputy Commissioner chaired the meeting to know about their upcoming and ongoing projects in the district by representatives of the social sector. Mr. Farhan Ronjhoo - Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), District Health Officer (DHO), Deputy DHO, Deputy Director Agriculture & Livestock, MS DHQ hospital, DSM from PPHI and representatives of other line departments were present during the meeting. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Butt briefed about the sustainability creation projects previously completed within the focused communities. Furthermore, he informed about the interventions planned in the new susceptible villages.
All the meeting participants applauded the poverty alleviation strategies of OSDI.

OSDI's TL meets Senior Representative at Agriculture Extension Department
On 12th June 2023 (Monday), Mr. Rashid Butt - OSDI's recently appointed Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) met a senior representative at Agriculture Extension Department in Lasbela district.
Firstly, Mr. Butt visited the office of Deputy Director - Mr. Haider Abbas Naqvi. During the meeting, OSDI's representative shared details about the OSDI's currently ongoing Agriculture Development Project (ADP). He also invited Mr. Abbas to visit the agro fields of OSDI's farmers and attend the capacity building trainings and workshops as an honorable guest.
Next, Mr. Butt distributed urea bags amongst the 2 farmers who could not receive the bags on 10th June 2023.
#agriculture #farmers #fertilizer

Fertilizer Distribution amongst ADP - Phase 7 Farmers
On 10th June 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) distributed urea (Nitrogen Fertilizer) bags amongst 15 farmers participating in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The remaining 2 farmers could not visit the OSDI's field office due to some unavoidable reason however, they will receive it in a few days.
It is the 2nd round of fertilizer distribution amongst the farmers in this phase. Each farmer received 2 bags of urea per acre of land.
The farmers thanked OSDI for its contribution in helping them uplift from poverty.
#agriculture #farmers #fertilizer

Animal Health-Check by Vet in Lasbela
On 8th June 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid accompanied by the field team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the beneficiaries of Phase 5 - Livestock Development Project (LDP). Dr. Akhtar - veterinary expert also accompanied the OSDI's team.
The vet checked the health of 83 animals from the focused communities of Hussain Goth, Musa Goth, Hashim Burfat and Golani.
36 animals were dewormed by the OSDI's appointed vet and 1 animal received medical treatment as per need on this day.
#healthcheck #livestock #vet

BBCM and H&H session Conducted in Saleem Khan Banda
On 7th June 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Head of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said and Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the newly intervened focused community of Saleem Khan Banda to conduct a Broad Based Community Meeting (BBCM) and Health & Hygiene (H&H) awareness raising session. This village is located in the union council of Bazaar.
Prior to initiating the BBCM, Mr. Said visited the water bore and water storage tank site in this community. The BBCM was attended by 25 participants. After a thorough discussion on the day-to-day issues being faced by the villagers, Mr. Said initiated an awareness raising session on the need and importance of safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices to help lower the health issues and improve the living conditions of the local people.
OSDI's representative trained the participants on effects of daily bathing, brushing teeth twice a day, trimming of nails every week, washing of hands before and after every meal specially after using the toilet. He further informed about the hazardous effects of snuffing tobacco on health.
#health #hygiene #awareness

Monitoring Visit to Agro and K.G. Fields
On 7th June 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's newly appointed Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Rashid Butt along with the Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir and Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid conducted a monitoring visit to the agro fields of farmers participating in the Phase 7 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers have opted to grow cotton crop in this cycle.
OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib was also a part of this monitoring team. Altogether, fields of 14 farmers were visited in 5 focused communities. The agro expert checked the cotton crops' progress and informed the beneficiaries about weeds and pest management. He also explained the efficient application of urea fertilizer and irrigation water. Next, the monitoring team visited the Kitchen Gardens (K.G.) of 11 beneficiaries to check their vegetable crops.
The ADP farmers and K.G. beneficiaries were grateful to the OSDI's team for the field visit.
#agriculture #farmers #kitchengarden #monitoring

Initial Meeting to Reopen GGPS in Shanay Zangal
On 6th June 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's team of district Mardan (KPK) and Mr. Zahir Shah - District Planning Officer (DPO) at Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) visited the newly intervened focused community of Shanay Zangal. This village comprises of 30 vulnerable households.
The team met the community elders of this village to discuss about the reopening of non-functional Government Girls Primary School (GGPS). Mr. Said had a detailed discussion with stakeholders to uplift the cause of primary education in this village, focus on female enrollment and make education easily accessible to all out-of-school children (OOSC).
Moreover, the community elders thanked OSDI's team for initiating to support them.
#education #primaryeducation #femaleliteracy #studentenrollment

OSDI's HoD meets ESEF Representative in Mardan
On 5th June 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Head of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said met the District Planning Officer (DPO) at Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) - Mr. Zahir Shah at his office. The purpose of this meeting was to explore opportunities for sustainability, address specific concerns related to educational infrastructure, and seek further opportunities for mutual collaboration in the newly intervened focused communities of OSDI.
During the discussion, Mr. Said shared details about OSDI's upcoming projects in the newly selected focused communities. He further explained the efforts being made for community mobilization to highlight the cause of female literacy and have out-of-school children (OOSC) enrolled to acquire primary education.
Mr. Shah appreciated the efforts of OSDI and vowed to visit the focused community of Shanay Zangal to meet the local community regarding reopening of the non-functional Government Girls Primary School (GGPS).
#education #primaryeducation #femaleliteracy #studentenrollment
OSDI's Manager Programs visited the Agro Fields
On 30th May 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar N. Khan along with the Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the agro fields of the farmers facilitated in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The purpose of this visit was to check the project implementation and ensure timely application of fertilizers and weedicides.
OSDI's team visited the 16 farmers from the vulnerable focused communities of Hamarkhani, Hashim Burfat, Golani, Jangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad. Due to time constraints, 1 farmer from the community of Baraad was not met.
Mr. Khan had one-to-one detail discussion with each farmer to check the project progress.
#agriculture #farmers #cottoncrop #livelihood #inspection

General Medical Camp in Saleem Khan Banda
On 24th May 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's district Team of Mardan (KPK) organized the first General Medical Camp (GMC) in the newly intervened focused community of Saleem Khan Banda. This village lies in the union council of Bazaar. On an average the community lies, at a distance of 14kms from the Bazaar Government Hospital.
On behalf of OSDI, Dr. Arifullah checked and treated 212 patients in this GMC. Amongst the patients, 81 were males the remaining 131 patients were females. 17 patients from below the age group of 5 years received primary health care treatment at this medical camp. It was observed, that most of the patients suffered from viral fever and were anemic due to malnutrition. OSDI's team gave free medicines as per the doctor's prescription to the patients. The medical camp was attended by ailing people from the adjacent communities of Saleem Khan Banda, Kas Malandary, Khula Dhere and Nari Khawar.
OSDI's team conducted 2 health and hygiene (H&H) awareness raising sessions which were attended by 26 people altogether.
#medicalcamp #primaryhealthcare #treatment #freemedicines #hygieneawareness

Initial Assessment of SREP in Lasbela
Between 19th (Friday) and 20th (Saturday) May 2023, initial assessment of suitable beneficiaries for the upcoming phase of Small Rural Enterprise Project (SREP) was done by the district Lasbela (Baluchistan) team. Uptil now, OSDI has successfully facilitated 16 vulnerable individuals to initiate the small businesses in this district.
To support susceptible individuals to initiate small businesses under Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) selection and identification of individuals is being conducted as of now. OSDI's team conducted initial assessments of 9 male and female individuals. People interviewed were from Hashim Burfat (4), 3 from Hamarkani, 1 each from Jangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad.
The project shall be launched after finalization of beneficiarie.
#livelihood #smallbusiness #incomegeneration #assessment

Course books Distributed in TLC Qambrani
On 13th May 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) handed over the course books received from the Government's Education Department, last month. School teacher - Ms. Maryam received the course books books on behalf of the students enrolled in the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Qambrani.
After a while, the enthusiastic students stood in a queue to receive their course books for the new academic year. This TLC has been upgraded to grade 3 with the passing out of students from the previous grade.
OSDI shall distribute stationary items amongst the students in the next few days.
#education #primaryeducation #students #newacademicyear #coursebooks

K.G. Follow-up and Application of Agro Inputs
Between 11th (Thursday) - 12th (Friday) May 2023, OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the beneficiaries of recently initiated Kitchen Garden (K.G.) Project - Phase 4 and farmers of newly commenced Phase 7 - Agriculture Development Project (ADP). During this 2 days monitoring visit, the OSDI's team checked the progress of the K.G. and ADP project.
It was observed that seedlings had sprouted on the K.G. plots and farmers were busy in seed sowing of cotton crop on their agro farmlands. OSDI's team guided the farmers about application of weedicides in cotton crop and appropriate usage of fertilizers. The farmers appreciated the gesture of the OSDI's team in helping them with the sowing method.
During this visit, the OSDI's team went to the focused communities of Baraad, Faqeer Muhammad, Golani and Jangi Khan.
#livelihood #agriculture #kitchengarden #farmers #monitoring #agroinputs #cottoncrop

Health check of Livestock by Vet in Lasbela
On 9th May 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied with the Veterinary Officer in Government's Livestock Department - Dr. Akhtar visited the beneficiaries of Phase 5 - Livestock Development Project (LDP).
It was a regular monitoring visit to check the health of the animals distributed by OSDI. Dr. Akhtar checked the health of nearly 125 animals. To ensure better health of the animals, 75 goats were dewormed by the vet.
On this day, beneficiaries from the focused communities of Hussain Goth, Musa Goth, Baraad, Faqeer Muhammad, Jangi Khan, Golani and Hamarkani were met.
#livelihood #livestock #animalhealth #healthcheck #deworming #vaccination

Seed Sowing Demonstration by Agro Expert
On 8th May 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir accompanied with Mr. Qaiser Habib - OSDI's appointed agro expert visited the farmlands of Agriculture Development Project (ADP) - Phase 7 participants. To educate the farmers about better seed sowing practices the agro expert delivered a demonstration.
During the capacity building session, seed broadcasting technique was explained by the agro expert. The farmers learnt about the importance of distancing while sowing seeds, uniformity in seed depths and layering of soil over the seed. Mr. Habib also briefed about the weedicide spray and its usage through drip irrigation process.
The farmers enthusiastically learnt the new crop cultivation methods with interest.
#agriculture #farmers #cottoncrop #agroinputs #weedicides #seedsowing

Monitoring Visit of SREP beneficiaries
Between 9th (Tuesday) - 10th (Wednesday) May 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali met the 3 beneficiaries facilitated under the Small Rural Enterprise Project (SREP) in district Mardan (KPK). Last year, these beneficiaries were supported to initiate their small businesses.
Amongst these beneficiaries, 2 individuals belonged to the focused community of Akhundara and the remaining 1 person was from Prrang Dara village. Mr. Ali checked the financial books of these beneficiaries, enquired about the daily sales and profits, etc.
Overall, the beneficiaries seemed to be satisfied with their businesses.
#smallbusiness #livelihood #sustainability

Monitoring Visit of WNH Project in Akhundara
On 8th May 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the focused community of Akhundara in district Mardan (KPK). The purpose of this visit was to check the condition of solar panels given under the Water Nearby Homes (WNH) project.
Last year, OSDI set-up the solar panels as per the requirements of the local community to ease the water extraction process for the orange fruit plants watering. These plants have been distributed under the horticulture project.
Mr. Ali received a sum of PKR 10,000 from the 7 farmers participating in the horticulture project as monthly installment of CDF amount.
#horticulture #agriculture #farmers #solarpanels #orangefruit #plants #water #solarpanels

Monitoring of Orange Fruit Orchards
Between 12th (Friday) and 13th (Saturday) May 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch in district Mardan (KPK) to check the orange fruit plants.
During the field visit, Mr. Ali had one to one meetings with the farmers and enquired if there were any issues. The farmers shared details about watering, application of pesticides and weedicides on time, etc.
OSDI's efforts for the regular follow-up and keen interest in this project was appreciated by the farmers.
#farmers #fruitorchard #orangeplant #agriculture #horticulture

Initiation of ADP - Phase VII in District Lasbela
On 6th May 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali and Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir distributed cotton crop inputs (seeds, fertilizer, and weedicide) among the selected farmers in the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers have also been given cash grants for plowing and land preparation.
During this cycle, 17 farmers have been selected to grow cotton crop on 48 acres of their farmlands. OSDI's field team has distributed 3.3kgs cotton seeds, one bag of Diammonium phosphate (DAP), two bags of nitrogen fertilizer urea, one bag of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), and one bottle of Pendimethalin - Herbicide per acre. These inputs were recommended by the agriculture expert. The tillage amount given to each farmer is PKR 6600 per acre.
In this phase, the farmers have been chosen from the focused communities of Faqeer Muhammad (3), Hamarkani (3), Hashim Burfat (2), Jangi Khan (4), Golani (4) and Baraad (1).
#agriculture #farmers #cottoncrop #agroinputs #fertilizers #weedicides

Capacity Building of Farmers for Phase - 7 in ADP
On 4th May 2023 (Thursday), OSDI organized a capacity building training on modern techniques of cotton crop cultivation at OSDI's district Lasbela office for the ADP phase VII beneficiaries. The training was conducted by appointed agrarian expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib.
Nearly, 28 farmers attended this session amongst which 20 were participants of ADP - Phase 7 and the remaining 8 attendees belonged to the recently completed phase 6. Mr. Habib began the training with details about the importance of using modern agrarian techniques to enhance the crop yield and generate better livelihood.
Furthermore, using the powerpoint tool he explained the different steps involved in cotton crop farming such as land preparation and leveling, maintaining soil fertility, seed broadcasting, application of fertilizers, traditional and chemical pest & weeds management techniques, irrigation pattern, etc. After the training, a detailed question and answer session was held to address the queries of the farmers.
#agriculture #farmers #cottoncrop #training #capacitybuilding

OSDI's TL attended the Monthly DEG meeting
On 5th May 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali attended the monthly District Education Group (DEG) meeting held at the office of the Deputy Commissioner Lasbela. This follow up meeting is regularly conducted to ensure transparency and be updated about the upcoming and ongoing education projects within the district.
During the meeting, it was informed that 4 non-functional closed schools were reopened by the District Education Department. To control the usage of gutka, tobacco, mawa, etc. by school students strict disciplinary action is being taken by the concerned authorities. Furthermore, plantation of trees in schools, capacity building of the school teachers and setting up of new electrical connections in educational facilities was also discussed.
On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Mansoor briefed about the recent interventions of OSDI in new vulnerable communities of district Lasbela and intentions to open up Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) in Faqeer Muhammad, Jangi Khan and Mutkani.
#primaryschool #education #educationforall

Senior Official of BEF Visits TLC Qambrani
On 5th May 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir from district Lasbela (Baluchistan) visited the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in the vulnerable community of Qambrani along with Mr. Mansoor Baloch - Regional Director of Baluchistan Education Foundation (BEF).
Mr. Baloch checked the student enrollment register and enquired about the progress of students from the class teacher. The students were engaged in question and answer session by him.
At the end of the visit, Mr. Baloch appreciated the efforts of the OSDI's team in provision of quality education to the under-privileged students. OSDI is committed to exploring new partnerships with local stakeholders for sustainability and the aforementioned visit was initiated to hand over the facility to BEF.
#education #primaryeducation #students #educationforall #teacher

Land Inspection by Agro Expert in Lasbela
On 2nd May 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied with the Agriculture Expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib visited the agro fields of 20 vulnerable farmers for the upcoming phase 7 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The team travelled to 6 newly intervened focused communities located in union council of Wayaro.
The agro expert met the farmers and checked the land size, soil fertility, land levelling and irrigation water channels before project initiation. Each farmer will receive agro inputs in the form of grants. The OSDI's team visited farmers in the communities of Hamarkani, Hashim Burfat, Golani, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad and Baraad.
Cotton crop will be grown in this upcoming phase.
#agriculture #farmers #livelihood #cottoncrop #landcheck

Donation of Medicines to Rustam Civil Hospital
On 3rd May 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Head of District Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Sajjad Said along with the Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the Rustam Civil Hospital to donate medicines. On behalf of the hospital, Medical Superintendent (M.S.) - Dr. Kashif Pirzada received the kind donation.
OSDI has donated 8,960 capsules of Esorid (20mg) and 5,012 capsules of 40mg Esorid medicine. This medicine will support the healthcare facility to treat the patients suffering from Acid Peptic Diseases (APD).
Dr. Kashif wholeheartedly thanked the OSDI's management for the kind gesture to facilitate the ailing people.
#healthcare #medicines #freemedicines #donation #communitydevelopment
District Education Department Donated Course Books
On 29th April 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Shah received the kind donation of course books from the District Education Department. These books are to be distributed in the upcoming next academic session. Students from kindergarten to grade three shall receive these books. The course books received by the OSDI's representative included 27 textbooks for KG students, 24 books for class 1, 15 books for class 2 and 14 books for class 3. To further facilitate the students, OSDI shall distribute stationary items and note copies amongst the students.
#primaryeducation #coursebooks #education #newacademicyear

Monitoring Visit by Manager Programs
OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar Khan along with the Head of District Mardan - Mr. Sajjad Said visited the focused communities of Biroch and Akhundara to check the health of orange fruit plants distributed in the two phases of Horticulture project. The visit was conducted on 20th April 2023. Altogether, 10 vulnerable farmers have been supported to grow orange fruit on their farmlands in this pilot project. OSDI's appointed agrarian expert - Mr. Usman Said recommended the farmers to have pesticide spray gushed over the plants as a very minor section of plants have been identified with leaf minor pest. To control the situation on the initial level Mr. Said urged the farmers to take action soon after the wheat harvesting process is completed. Manager Programs met each farmer in person to enquire about their plants growth and any other issues.
#farmers #livelihood #horticulture #agriculture #orangefruit #plants #fruitorchards

Broad Based Community Meeting in Saleem Khan
On 20th April 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Manager Programs - Mr. Sheheryar Khan accompanied with the Head of District - Mr. Sajjad Said visited the newly selected focused community of Saleem Khan in district Mardan (KPK). This village lies in the union council of Bazaar. There are nearly 80 households in this village with a population size of 600 individuals. During the Broad Based Community Meeting (BBCM), Mr. Sheheryar discussed about the construction of a Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in this community, to impart primary education and ensuring easy accessibility of clean drinking water. Besides this, the villagers discussed about their day-to-day issues and problems. 15 village elders and representatives attended the meeting.
#education #primaryeducation #safewater #drinkingwater #sustainability

Health & Hygiene Session conducted in TLC Akhundara
On 28th April 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted a Health & Hygiene (H&H) awareness raising session in the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Akhundara. This educational facility has been handed over to the Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) this year. Altogether, 40 students attended this capacity building session in which they were trained by the OSDI's representative about safe health & hygiene practices to live a healthy life. 17 female students and 23 male students thoroughly enjoyed the training session. The students learned about proper handwashing techniques and had fun in the practical activity. Mr. Ali also educated the students about the positive health benefits of brushing teeth twice a day, wearing clean clothes, bathing daily, disposing litter properly, ensuring hygiene in home and surrounding, etc.
#health #hygiene #awareness #education #capacitybuilding #handwash #training

Land Verification for ADP - Phase 7 in Lasbela
On 27th April 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Manager Monitoring & Evaluation and Healthcare - Dr. Kamran Sohail along with the M&E and Healthcare Officer - Mr. Abdullah Ilyas Ghaznavi and field team visited the newly intervened focused communities of district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The purpose of this visit was to re-verify the potential farmers and check their land prior to initiating the 7th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers are expected to grow cotton crop in the upcoming phase. Altogether, OSDI's team met 23 farmers from which 4 farmers belonged to the community of Hamarkani, 3 from Hashim Burfat, 2 from Golani, 4 from Baraad village and 5 each from Jangi Khan and Faqeer Muhammad. ADP - Phase 7 shall commence soon after the finalization of the farmers.
#agriculture #livelihood #cottoncrop #farmers #monitoring

OSDI donates medicines for Hinglaj Yatra for the 3rd time
On 19th April 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's district Lasbela (Baluchistan) team handed over medicines for the upcoming Holy Pilgrimage of Hinglaj Yatra to the District Health Officer (DHO). This annual event holds an important position in the Hindu religion. This year, the Holy Pilgrimage is scheduled to commence between 25th April 2023 to 1st May 2023. Hindu devotees from across the globe will attend this significant festival, in which they will visit the Hinglaj Asthan. On behalf of the Hindu brethren, Dr. Hameed Baloch - District Health Officer (DHO) approached the OSDI's team for the kind donation of medicines. Like every year, the district government shall set-up a medical camp to serve the devotees with suitable primary healthcare facilitations.
#medicalcamp #healthcare #primaryhealth #freemedicines

Monthly Monitoring Visit of Vet in Lasbela
On 14th April 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali visited the beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP) - Phase 5 to check the health of the animals distributed by OSDI. Mr. Muhammad Akhtar - Vet Officer at Veterinary Department in District Lasbela accompanied OSDI's Team Leader during this monitoring and health check visit. OSDI's team travelled to the focused communities of Hussain Goth in Chib Sheikh, Musa Goth, Jangi Khan, Baraad and Muraad to have one-to-one meetings with the beneficiaries and observed the health of their animals. Altogether, health of 82 livestock was checked. OSDI's team inoculated a dose of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccination to 32 goats, 34 animals were dewormed with Oxafex medicine and 13 goats received injections of Genta Combisone medicine for protection against viral fever and flu.
#livestock #livelihood #goats #deworming #vaccination #healthcheck #animalhealth

Initial Assessment of Farmers for Cotton Crop Cultivation
Between 6th (Thursday) and 9th (Sunday) April 2023, OSDI's Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid along with the field team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) conducted an initial survey in the newly intervened focused communities. The preliminary assessments were made for the upcoming Phase 7 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). The farmers are expected to grow cotton crop in this phase. OSDI's team interviewed 28 individuals from the focused communities of Hamarkani, Golani, Hashim Burfat, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad and Baraad. Extremely vulnerable candidates will be selected to participate upon compilation of results.
#cottoncrop #farmers #livelihood #agriculture #assessment

Kitchen Garden - Phase 4 Initiated in Lasbela
Between 12th (Wednesday) & 14th (Friday) April 2023, OSDI's district Lasbela (Baluchistan) team distributed vegetable seeds amongst the 29 vulnerable beneficiaries selected to participate in the recent phase of Kitchen Garden project. It is the 4th Phase of K.G. in this district. On an average, each beneficiary has chosen to sow seeds on 250 sq. ft. of land. From the focused under-privileged communities of Golani (3) and Waryani 2 families have been selected to participate along with, 4 from Jangi Khan, 2 from Hussain Chib Sheikh, 2 from Muraad, 7 from Baraad and 9 from Faqeer Muhammad community. OSDI has facilitated the beneficiaries to grow ladyfinger, apple gourd and ridge gourd in this phase.
#kitchengarden #vegetables #growyourownfood #foodsecurity

OSDI's TL attended Monthly DEG Meeting
On 3rd April 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Ali attended the monthly District Education Group Meeting (DEG) held at the office of Deputy Commissioner (Lasbela). The meeting was chaired under the honorable leadership of Mr. Murad Khan Qasi - D.C. (Lasbela). During the meeting, it was discussed that atleast 10 non-functional government schools shall be regularized and made functional. The usage of substance abuse such as tobacco/gutka/mawa, etc. by the students shall be controlled at school level. Aggressive efforts shall be made to increase the student enrollment ratio and teaching vacancies shall be filled through inclusion of appropriate candidates to impart quality education. On behalf of OSDI, Mr. Mansoor shared the details about the ongoing efforts made by OSDI to highlight the cause of education in this region. District Education Officer (DEO) - Mr. Imran Hussain, Mr. Qadir (District Coordinator) at UNICEF and Mr. Muneer from Real Time School Monitoring (RTSM) and other dignitaries also attended the gathering.
#education #school #studentenrollment #teacher #learningprocess

Horticulture Monitoring Visit in Mardan
Between 13th (Thursday) and 14th (Friday) April 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali made a monthly monitoring visit to the 10 orange fruit farm fields in the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch. During the visit, Mr. Ali met the farmers and checked the fruit plants one by one. The fruit plants were observed in good condition. Mr. Ali enquired about the regularity in plants watering and ensuring protection from weedicides and pests. The farmers seemed to be satisfied with the regular monthly monitoring visits of the OSDI team and its appointed agro expert.
#horticulture #farming #fruitorchard #oranges #plants #monitoring
Horticulture Farms Visited by Agro Expert in Mardan
On 29th March 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI’s Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) – Mr. Ibrar Ali along with the newly appointed Agriculture Expert - Mr. Naveed Ahmed visited the horticulture farms in the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch. Mr. Ahmed holds a MSc. Degree in Botany from the University of Peshawar.
During the monitoring visit, it was observed that the orange fruit plants in both the communities were doing well. Regular follow-ups and close monitoring by the OSDI’s team has kept the farmers at their toes.
The farmers were grateful for the guidance by the agro expert.
#livelihood #horticulture #farmers #oranges #fruit #plants

Veterinary Expert Visit in District Lasbela
Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) – Mr. Babar Junaid accompanied with the Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) – Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the Livestock Development Project (LDP) beneficiaries of Phase – 5 between 29th (Wednesday) and 30th (Thursday) March 2023. OSDI’s appointed Veterinary Expert – Mr. Muhammad Akhtar (Vet Officer at Veterinary Department in District Lasbela) checked the animals distributed by OSDI in Phase-5 of Livestock Development Project (LDP).
OSDI’s team checked and treated, a total number of 130 animals. It was observed that 7 – 8 animals were found sick and were instantly treated by the vet. The most common diseases diagnosed in the animals were diarrhea, flu and fever. Parturate animals were given drench by the vet.
The beneficiaries thanked OSDI’s team for the kind facilitation.
#livelihood #livestock #vet #animals #treatment

Monitoring Visit by Agro Expert of ADP Fields
On 29th (Wednesday) and 30th (Thursday) March 2023, Manager Programs of OSDI – Mr. Sheheryar Khan along with the Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) – Mr. Mansoor Ali visited the wheat fields of 19 farmers participating in the Phase 6 of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). OSDI’s appointed Agro Expert – Mr. Qaiser Habib (Lecturer in Horticulture Department) at University of Lasbela accompanied the OSDI’s team to conduct close monitoring of wheat crops.
During the visit, it was observed that as a positive outcome of close follow-ups the farmers have performed better as compared to the previous years. The farmers informed that they had never heard about DAP (Di-ammonium Phosphate) fertilizer prior to becoming OSDI’s beneficiary. It is for the first time they have used such agro inputs distributed by OSDI and the results are impactful.
As of now, the wheat crop is in the harvesting phase. Previously, the crop produce was calculated at 8 maunds per acre.
#farmers #agriculture #wheatcrop #livelihood

H&H session held in TLC of Akhundara
On 28th March 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI’s Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) – Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted a health & hygiene (H&H) awareness raising session in the OSDI’s built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Akhundara. This school has been handed over to Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) this year.
Altogether, 44 students attended the sensitization session in which they were trained about safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices. Mr. Ali briefed the students about the benefits of regular hand-wash, taking bath daily, trimming of nails every week, combing of hair and wearing clean clothes.
He asked the students to ensure their surroundings are kept clean by discarding litter properly.
#health #hygiene #awareness #training #capacitybuilding #students

Monitoring of ADP Fields in District Lasbela
On 22nd March 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI’s Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) – Mr. Mansoor Ali along with the Field Assistant – Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the agro fields of farmers participating in the 5th Phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Farmers have chosen to grow wheat crop in this phase.
To monitor the crop growth, Mr. Qaiser Habib – OSDI’s appointed agrarian expert accompanied the OSDI’s team to the farmlands of all 19 farmers. The team visited the focused communities of Muraad, Baraad, Hussain Goth in Chib Sheikh, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad, Waryani and Golani.
Mr. Habib closely inspected the crops and responded to the queries of the farmers in detail.
#farmers #agriculture #livelihood #wheat #monitoring

Pakistan Day Celebration at TLC Qambrani
On 24th March 2023 (Friday), Pakistan Day Celebration was held at the OSDI’s built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in Qambrani community in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). Each year, Pakistan Day is celebrated on 23rd March to commemorate the Lahore Resolution which holds a high historic value in formation of the country.
As compared to the previous year, the school teacher – Ms. Mariam conducted an art work activity this time. It was a coloring and drawing fun filled activity, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the students present in class. The students were assigned the task to draw the Pakistani flag.
The children enthusiastically show cased their artwork after the activity.
#students #pakistanday #drawing #coloring #education #primaryschool

Health Check of She-Goats in Lasbela
On 15th March 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI’s Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) – Mr. Mansoor Ali accompanied by the Field Assistant – Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the focused communities of LDP – Phase 5 beneficiaries. Dr. Karim - Senior Veterinary Officer from the Livestock Department also joined the OSDI’s team.
The purpose of this visit was to conduct fertility tests on the she-goats distributed during this month. Dr. Karim had ultrasound done on 29 she-goats.
The goats checked belonged to the focused communities of Hussain Goth, Moosa Goth and Hamarkani Goth.
#livestock #vet #healthcheck #livelihood

Field Visit of Senior Education Officer to District Lasbela
On 20th March 2023 (Monday), OSDI’s Senior Education Officer – Ms. Andaleeb H. Malik visited the newly intervened focused communities of district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The purpose of this field visit was to conduct Broad Based Community Meetings (BBCMs) to form School Management Committees (SMCs) in the targeted communities of Jangi Khan, Mutkani and Faqeer Muhammad.
OSDI’s district team of Lasbela accompanied the Senior Education Officer during the field visit. Firstly, OSDI’s team met the community representatives of Faqeer Muhammad and formed an SMC there then, villagers of Mutkani and Jangi Khan were met to highlight the cause of education.
Later on, Ms. Andaleeb also visited the OSDI’s built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in Qambrani village for student assessment.
#education #primaryeducation #school #studentassessment

5th General Medical Camp held in Akhundara
On 18th March 2023 (Saturday), OSDI’s Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) organized the 167th General Medical Camp (GMC) in this region. The medical camp was held for the 5th time in the focused vulnerable community of Akhundara.
OSDI’s appointed doctor checked 262 patients during this one day GMC. Amongst the patients, 91 were males and 171 were female patients. The patients attending this GMC came from 5 susceptible adjacent communities of Karko Banda, Sab e Maira, Warra Dara, Jarro and Tajakabaad. OSDI facilitated the patients with free check-up, treatment and medicines.
39 child patients from the age group of below 5 years availed the primary healthcare treatment at this GMC.
#health #medicalcamp #freemedicines #treatment #primaryhealthcare

OSDI organized 1st General Medical Camp in Jangi Khan
In the newly intervened vulnerable community of Jangi Khan, OSDI has organized the 1st General Medical Camp (GMC) on 17th March 2023 (Friday). This village lies in the union council of Wayaro in district Lasbela (Baluchistan).
OSDI’s appointed doctors and paramedical staff checked 204 patients at this medical camp. Majority of the patients treated were females (117) and 87 were male patients. It was diagnosed that most of the ailing people had health issues of Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI) and Gastro Intestinal Tract Infections (GIT) besides, skin diseases and musculoskeletal pains.
To sensitize the participants about safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices 4 hygiene awareness raising sessions were held by OSDI’s Health team in which 112 people were trained.
#health #medicalcamp #hygiene #awareness #capacitybuilding

LDP - Phase 5 Initiated in District Lasbela
Between 9th (Thursday) – 10th (Friday) March 2023, OSDI’s team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) under supervision of Mr. Babar Junaid - Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) visited the livestock market of District Hub. This market is located in the union council of Sakraan.
During the two days survey, Senior Veterinary Officer – Dr. Kareem also accompanied the OSDI’s team to check the physical health of the goats prior to purchase. The next day, on 11th (Saturday) March 2023, OSDI’s team successfully distributed 111 animals amongst the 39 nominated beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP) – Phase 5. Beneficiaries facilitated on this day, belonged to the vulnerable communities of Hussain Goth, Moosa Goth, Barad Murad, Hashim Goth, Golani, Burfat Goth and Hamarkani Goth.
As for the remaining 5 beneficiaries from the focused communities of Bolani, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad and Baraad, goats were distributed on 15th March 2023 (Wednesday).
#livestock #healthcheck #livelihood #goats

1st LDP Training for Phase 5 Beneficiaries
On 6th March 2023 (Monday), OSDI’s Senior Associate Manager Livelihood Assistance Program (LAP) - Mr. Babar Junaid along with the Team Leader of District Lasbela (Baluchistan) – Mr. Mansoor Ali and Field Assistant – Mr. Adnan Qadir organized the first training session on Livestock Management & Handling. Senior Veterinary Officer (Lasbela) – Dr. Kareem, conducted the training.
Altogether, 51 participants attended the training, in which 44 individuals were the selected beneficiaries for this upcoming 5th Phase of Livestock Development Project (LDP) in this district. OSDI’s appointed trainer educated the audience about shed preparation and maintenance, disease symptoms & cure in goats, hygiene upkeep, fodder mixing, milking, herd increase and overall goat management techniques.
The training was held in the community hall of Moosa Chib Sheikh.
#livestock #training #capacitybuilding #animalhealth #hygiene

MoU signing with LDP - Phase 5 Beneficiaries
In the focused community of Chib Sheikh, OSDI's District Team of Lasbela (Baluchistan) gathered to have Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Phase 5 beneficiaries of Livestock Development Project (LDP) in this district on 28th February 2023 (Tuesday). Overall, it's the 14th Phase of this project.
Altogether, 44 vulnerable beneficiaries have been selected to participate from the newly intervened focused communities. Maximum number of beneficiaries have been nominated from the community of Hussain Goth in Chib Sheikh (17). From the community of Moosa Goth (7), (6) from Hamarkani, (2 each) from Baraad Ali, Golani, Jangi Khan, Muraad Ali and Jamot Colony and from the remaining villages of Faqeer Muhammad, Gao, Hashim Burfat and Hindo Muhallah one beneficiary from each community has been identified.
Nearly, 132 goats shall be distributed amongst these beneficiaries in the upcoming days.
#livestock #capacitybuilding #financialempowerment #assetcreation

1st GMC held in Baraad Community
On 24th February 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Healthcare team organized the first General Medical Camp (GMC) in the newly intervened focused community of Baraad in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). This village is located in the union council of Wayaro.
OSDI's appointed doctors checked and treated 266 patients altogether. During the primary diagnosis, it was observed that 32.33% patients suffered from Respiratory Tract Infection (RTI), 19.17% people had Gastro Intestinal Tract Infection (GIT), 17.15% had skin infection issues and 34.96% people had other health related concerns. Out of the total patients, checked 114 were males and 152 were female patients.
To educate the participants, about safe health & hygiene (H&H) practices 4 sensitization sessions were organized by the OSDI's team in which 60 people were trained.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitize #capacitybuilding #patients #treatment #freemedicines

BBCM held in Jangi Khan, Mutkani & Faqeer Muhammad
On 23rd February 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Senior Education Officer - Ms. Andaleeb H. Malik along with the Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Shah and Mr. Adnan Qadeer - Field Assistant visited the newly intervened vulnerable communities of Jangi Khan, Mutkani & Faqeer Muhammad. OSDI's team met the community elders and influential people to conduct a Broad Based Community Meeting (BBCM) with them.
During the meeting, OSDI's Senior Education Officer emphasized on the need and importance of acquiring education. She highlighted the cause of education in creating enlightenment for a prosperous future. Furthermore, Ms. Andaleeb highlighted the dire need of female literacy and student enrollment.
The community representatives welcomed OSDI's initiative to open up a learning facility in their villages and vowed to allot land for the school.
#primaryeducation #femaleliteracy #studentenrollment #school #advocacy

Annual Prize Distribution in TLC Qambrani
On 23rd February 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's Senior Education Officer - Ms. Andaleeb H. Malik visited the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) in the focused community of Qambrani in district Lasbela (Baluchistan). The purpose of this visit was to participate in the annual prize distribution ceremony organized by the teacher and students of this educational facility.
The event began with recitation of Hamd, followed by Naat then patriotic speeches and songs. Prizes were distributed amongst students scoring good grades and positions in annual exams, punctuality, neatness and cleanliness, classroom participation, etc.
The TLC has been upgraded to class 3 now.
#class #education #primaryeducation #annualprize

MoU signing with the Horticulture Project Farmers
On 23rd (Thursday) & 24th (Friday) February 2023, OSDI's appointed agro expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain and Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali met the farmers participating in the 2 phases of Horticulture project in district Mardan (KPK). Altogether, 10 farmers have opted to grow orange fruit plants in this pilot project.
To begin with, a monitoring visit was made by the agro expert to observe the fruit plants growth and outcomes of pesticide spray. After which, OSDI's Field Assistant had MoU's signed by the farmers according to which the farmers shall now take care of fertilizer application and timely spraying of weedicides & pesticide on their plants.
To empower the farmers with ownership of their fruit orchards they shall now be responsible for overall growth and development of their plants.
#horticulture #fruitorchard #monitoring #oranges

Fertilizer & Pest Control Spray on Fruit Orchards in Mardan
On 21st February 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Mardan (KPK) - Mr. Ibrar Ali along with the Agro Expert - Mr. Sardar Hussain visited the horticulture fields of OSDI set-up in the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch. The purpose of this visit was to ensure application of fertilizer and pesticide spray on the 1400 orange fruit plants given during the 2 phases of OSDI's Horticulture Project.
OSDI's agro expert had NitroPhos Fertilizer applied to the soil of the plants to improve their growth. To control the pests, termite spray was done on the fruit plants. The farmers were guided about pest spray preparation and application technique.
The farmers thanked OSDI's team for the timely facilitation.
#horticulture #fruitorchard #fertilizer #pestcontrol #oranges #capacitybuilding

Monitoring visit of Wheat Fields by Agriculture Expert
On 21st February 2023 (Tuesday), OSDI's Field Team of District Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied by the Agro Expert - Mr. Qaiser Habib visited the focused communities of Muraad, Baraad, Waryani, Golani, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad and Hussain Goth in Chib Sheikh to meet the farmers participating in the recent phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP).
OSDI has facilitated the farmers to grow wheat crop during this season. Mr. Habib had one to one meetings with the farmers on their wheat fields. He monitored the crop growth and health in detail. Overall, the crops were observed to be in good condition.
The first phase of crop harvesting is expected to begin in the month of April.
#agriculture #agro #farmers #wheat #monitoring

5th General Medical Camp held in Prrang Dara Village
On 16th February 2023 (Thursday), OSDI conducted its 5th General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Parrang Dara in district Mardan (KPK). Patients from nearly 5 adjacent settlements availed the primary healthcare treatment during the one day medical camp from within the union council of Palo Dheri.
The patients came from Sher Abbas, Babo Dara, Sharma Khan, Mayeen Hut and Prrang Dara communities. OSDI's appointed female doctor checked nearly 176 ailing people, comprising of 71 males and 105 female patients. Amongst the patients, 21 belonged to the age group of below 5 years. Patients received free medicines as per the doctor's prescription from the OSDI's team.
Field Assistant - Mr. Ibrar Ali conducted health & hygiene awareness raising session with 10 participants.
#heath #hygiene #awareness #patientscheck #treatment #capacitybuilding

OSDI's built TLC in Arab Seray converted to GPS
On 13th February 2023 (Monday), OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in the focused vulnerable community of Arab Seray in district Mardan (KPK) has been transferred to the Government's Education Department. The community of Arab Seray lies in the union council of Bazaar.
All 103 enrolled students acquiring education in the OSDI's built TLC have been transferred to the Government Primary School (GPS) in Arab Seray, along with all the learning and educational tools. The government's education department has appointed female teachers in this school to conduct regular classes.
The government officials applauded the efforts of OSDI in making ripples of positive social change within the susceptible communities.
#education #primaryeducation #school #studentenrollment

OSDI & NCHD's visit to TLC in Pini Ladhoo
On 6th February 2023 (Monday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Shah & Mr. Mehboob - Field Officer at National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) visited the Temporary Learning Center (TLC) at Pini Ladhoo community. This TLC has recently been reconstructed by OSDI as the previous infrastructure was washed away by the floods.
Representatives of both the organizations met the school teacher and members of the School Management Committee (SMC) to inform them about the handing over of this educational facility to the District Education Department of Government of Baluchistan.
Both the SMC members and school teacher was grateful for the initiative and thanked NCHD & OSDI's team for their collaborative efforts.
#education #primaryeducation #school #management

SMC meeting held in TLC of Chamasara
On 3rd February 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Field Team of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied with the representatives of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) went to the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) located in the focused community of Chamasara. This village lies in the union council of Khenwari.
During the floods last year, the TLC was washed away. As a self-initiative the SMC members arranged for a tent to accommodate the students so the learning process keeps on-going. OSDI has recently rebuilt the TLC facility once again.
On behalf of NCHD, Mr. Mehboob - Field Officer and Mr. Mansoor - OSDI's Team Leader of Lasbela met the members of School Management Committee (SMC) and teacher to discuss about the handing over of this TLC to the Education Department - Government of Baluchistan through NCHD.
#education #primaryeducation #school #management

ADP - Phase 19 Farmers met in Lasbela
Between 11th (Saturday) & 13th (Monday) February 2023, OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) - Mr. Mansoor Shah accompanied by the Field Assistant - Mr. Adnan Qadir met the farmers participating in the newly initiated phase of Agriculture Development Project (ADP). During the 2 days field visit, the OSDI's representatives met 11 farmers in total.
Amongst these farmers, 10 participants belonged to the vulnerable focused community of Faqeer Muhammad and one farmer is from the village of Jangi Khan. Both these communities are from the union council of Wayaro. It was an initial monitoring visit by the OSDI's team to see the crop management techniques exercised by the farmers.
The farmers shared details about their routine crop upkeep with the OSDI's team.
#agriculture #agro #farmers #monitoring

Monitoring of Wheat Fields in Waryani & Golani
On 9th February 2023 (Thursday), OSDI's district team of Lasbela (Baluchistan) accompanied by the Monitoring & Evaluation team from head office visited the agricultural lands of farmers from Waryani and Golani communities. Both these villages lie in the union council of Wayaro.
During this phase of OSDI's signature Agriculture Development Project (ADP), 3 farmers have been selected from the Waryani community and 2 farmers have been chosen from the Golani village. It is the 19th phase ADP in district Lasbela.
OSDI's team checked the crop growth and maintenance in detail, during the field visit.
#agriculture #agro #farmers #wheat #monitoring

Wheat Fields of Baraad & Murad Communities Visited
On 8th February 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Assistant of district Lasbela (Baluchistan) along with the recently appointed Monitoring & Evaluation Officer - Mr. Abdullah Ilyas Ghaznavi visited the agricultural lands of farmers from the focused communities of Muraad Ali and Baraad Ali. Farmers in this phase have opted to grow wheat crop.
All the 3 farmers from both of these villages were met by the OSDI's team. The team did a detailed survey of the agricultural land, during which they kept enquiring about the crop maintenance methods and techniques used by the farmers to take care of their crop.
In the upcoming days, agro expert will be visiting the fields for close inspection of the crops and capacity building of the farmers
#agriculture #agro #farmers #wheat #monitoring
SBDW activity held in TLC Qambrani
On 27th January 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Healthcare and Monitoring & Evaluation Manager - Dr. Kamran Sohail visited the OSDI's built Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Qambrani in district Lasbela (Baluchistan) along with the field team members. The purpose of this visit was to conduct School Based De-worming (SBDW) activity in this school for the 3rd time.
In continuation with the ongoing 12th Phase of SBDW activity, nearly 75 enrolled and out-of-school children (OOSC) were de-wormed with a dose of zyntel syrup. OSDI's team distributed 250ml of milk packs to each child.
Ms. Madiha Khan - Health Promotion Practitioner (HPP) conducted an awareness raising session for capacity building of the students to educate the children about safe health & hygiene practices, after the deworming activity.
#health #hygiene #deworming #studenthealth #awareness #capacitybuilding

35th Medical Camp held in District Lasbela
In the newly intervened focused community of Waryani, which is located in the union council of Wayaro in district Lasbela (Baluchistan), OSDI has organized its 35th medical camp. This village comprises of nearly 15 vulnerable households having a population size of 105 people.
Under the supervision of Dr. Kamran-OSDI's Healthcare and Monitoring & Evaluation Manager, the medical camp was held on 27th January 2023 (Friday). Approximately, 343 number of patients received free consultation, provisional diagnosis and treatment by the OSDI's appointed doctors and paramedical staff. The patients checked included 196 female patients and the remaining 147 ailing individuals were males.
For capacity building of the local people, regarding safe health & hygiene practices OSDI's team conducted 2 awareness raising sessions in which 40 participants were trained.
#primaryhealthcare #treatment #medicalcamp #patients #doctors #health #hygiene #awareness #sensitize

Monitoring Visit of Fruit Orchards in Mardan
Between 13th (Friday) & 14th (Saturday) January 2023, OSDI's Field Assistant for district Mardan (KPK)-Mr. Ibrar Ali visited the focused communities of Akhundara and Biroch to visit the fruit orchards. It was a regular field-monitoring visit to check the condition of orange fruit plants.
Mr. Sardar Hussain-agrarian expert appointed by OSDI recommended nitrophos, zinc and hemic acid fertilizer and termite spray for all plants in Akhundara community. It was observed during the visit that few plants have termite attack.
On the other hand, in the community of Biroch, the 3 farmers have dug circles around each plant. The edging and mulching around plants will further improve their growth. Mr. Hussain recommended the use of similar fertilizer and termite spray as in the former community.
#farmers #horticulture #orange #fruit #plants #monitoring

Agro Expert visited the fields of ADP-Phase 6 Farmers
On 14th January 2023 (Saturday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan)-Mr. Mansoor Ali Shah along with the Field Assistant-Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the fields of farmers participating in the 6th Phase of OSDI's Agriculture Development Project (ADP). Mr. Qaiser Habib - Agrarian Expert also accompanied the team during the one day monitoring visit.
Farmers from all 7 focused communities of Waryani, Golani, Jangi Khan, Faqeer Muhammad, Baraad, Muraad and Hussain Goth of Chib Sheikh were met in detail. The agro expert had one-to-one discussion with each farmer to know about their crop maintenance strategies and water quantity being given during winters. The agro expert also checked the crop germination.
Moreover, the farmers were given tips for weedicide management.
#agriculture #farmers #agroexpert #weeds #cropmaintainence

6th General Medical Camp set-up in Biroch village
On 11th January 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Field Team of district Mardan (KPK) set-up the 6th General Medical Camp (GMC) in the focused community of Biroch. This village lies in the union council of Bazaar.
Prior to the GMC, OSDI's field team made announcements in the community and its adjacent villages of Tajak Abaad, Sab e Maira and Jarro to inform the local people about the setting up of GMC. Nearly, 141 patients were checked and treated by the OSDI's appointed doctor and paramedical staff. Upto, 53 males and 88 female patients availed the primary health services from which 21 patients were minors. Free medicines were given to the patients by OSDI's team as per the doctor's prescription.
The patients attended the GMC from 6 vulnerable communities of Biroch, Uthman Khel, Spen Qabruna, Shanay Zangal, Nakhtar Banda and Muhammad Kotti.
#health #checkup #patients #doctor #medicalcamp

Health & Hygiene Session in Waryani community
On 4th January 2023 (Wednesday), OSDI's Team Leader for district Lasbela (Baluchistan)-Mr. Mansoor Shah along with the Field Assistant-Mr. Adnan Qadir conducted a health & hygiene awareness raising session in the recently intervened focused community of Waryani. This village lies in the union council of Wayaro.
Approximately, 15 households are there in this village having a population size of total 105 individuals. During this sensitization session, 23 male members of the community were trained regarding safe health and hygiene practices.
OSDI's representative briefed the audience in the local lassi language.
#health #hygiene #awareness #sensitization #capacitybuilding

Visit to OSDI's Built TLCs in Pini Ladhoo & Sayarani
On 9th January 2023 (Monday), OSDI's district Lasbela (Baluchistan) team visited the OSDI built Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs) situated in the focused communities of Pini Ladhoo and Sayarani along with Ms. Khair-un-nissa-Assistant Director (A.D.) at National Commission for Human Development (NCHD). The visit was planned to check the school's overall progress.
On behalf of NCHD, Ms. Khair-un-nissa met the school teachers and discussed about the students' progress and regularity. Random questions were enquired from the students to know about the grip on the lessons being taught in class. The students proactively responded to the queries.
NCHD's representative thoroughly checked the teachers and students records for invigilation.
#primaryschool #education #students #nchd #teachers

Visit to the camp school in Chamasara community
On 6th January 2023 (Friday), OSDI's Team Leader of district Lasbela (Baluchistan)-Mr. Mansoor Shah along with the Field Assistant-Mr. Adnan Qadir visited the OSDI's initiated Temporary Learning Center (TLC) of Chamasara. On behalf of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) - Ms. Khair-un-nissa-Assistant Director (A.D.) accompanied the OSDI's team.
Chamasara is located in the union council of Khenwari. Because of the floods, which occurred last year, the TLC was wiped-out. However, members of the School Management Committee (SMC) gathered to convert a camp into a classroom to continue imparting of the education process.
Ms. Khair-un-nissa checked the student copies and teacher's registers to have an update about the current progress of education.
#primaryschool #education #students #nchd #teachers

Senior Management of ESEF visited OSDI Built Schools
On 5th January 2023 (Thursday), a team of senior delegation from Elementary & Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) visited the OSDI built schools of Akhundara and Arab Seray in district Mardan (KPK). Upon its successful exit from these communities, OSDI has formally handed over its schools to this organization.
On behalf of ESEF, Managing Director - Mr. Zareef ul Mani, Director - Mr. Gulzar Shah and Director - Mr. Habib ur Rahman along with the District Planning Officer (DPO) - Mr. Zahir Shah met the students and teachers of these schools. OSDI's Head of District Mardan-Mr. Sajjad Said and Field Assistant-Mr. Ibrar Ali were also present with the ESEF team.
Mr. Zareef was pleased with the progress of TLC in Akhundara and asked his management to move the students of TLC in Arab Seray to Government Primary School (GPS) building and complete the further process.
#primaryschool #education #students